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"Hi beautiful!" he greeted her cheerfully

"Hey." she replied with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes

"Did you cry?" he asked as he noticed her swollen eyes

"Ani." she replied while looking down

"Why? Who makes you cry?" he replied calmly but his blood boils to the thought of her crying in the set.

"I'm just rehearsing for my next scene." she said giving him another smile

He sigh, "Okay. I'm gonna pick you up later." he didn't force her to open up.

She nodded "Hey.."


"Love you."

"I love you."

"You're so warm." she said while snuggling in his chest, they are now at her unit. He sigh as he caress the back of her head.

"Come here." he put them on the couch, her still hugging him.

"How are you?" he asked gently

"Hmm, fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's happy tears." she said softly while eyes closed

"Happy tears?"

"My fans, they always make sure that I feel love. Even though everyone hates m---"

"Shh. Not everyone hates you." he said while kissing her head

She smile and look up to him. "How do you say so? I've seen tons of comments about me. It's fine tho."

"Do you know how casuals are still rooting for you? They are waiting for your comeback. Some might hate you and you don't deserve that. We can't really please them to stop but you can stop reading them for your peace. It's not your fault. Okay? Many people - not just your fans love you and supports you. Please remember that. And of course you have me. I love you. I hope you know that."

"I know. Thank you." she replied

"Now give me a smile." She then laughs at him, he is relieved that he made her feel okay.

She put her hands on the side of his cheeks and give him a kiss.

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