Confusion ii

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I finished it today so... Enjoy!

Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

Soo Hyun woke up early in the morning. Finally, he decided to ask Yea Ji if he can date her? of atleast if they can be friends.

But how can he do it when he doesn't even know her number? He's also not sure if she will be on their agency today. And most importantly, he doesn't know if she likes him too.

But ofcourse, he knew someone who can help him reach her.

He dialed the number, "Hyung!"

"What is it, Soo Hyun?" Manager Ryu answered on the other line

"I'm just wondering if.... Yea Ji will be on the agency today?" he said

Manager Ryu raised his eyebrows, "Why are you asking?"

"Uhmm. Ah, nothing. I need to tell her something."

"And what is that, Soo Hyun ah?" He knew it, it took him five months to have a courage to ask, working with him for almost 10 years he knew that Soo Hyun has  a feelings for her.

From the way he feels so tense everytime she's present to the way he wanted her to laugh on his jokes. He knew it.

"Hyung! Just answer me." he said

"She has a shoot this morning and she's planning to go to the agency to get the gifts her fans gave her."

"Okay, thank you hyung!" he exclaimed

"And wait, can I have her number?" he added

"No." Manager Ryu quickly answered

"Why?" he's confused

"Ask her for her number later. Goodluck!  He said and ended the call

"Oh sht, I forgot to ask the time." he thought, so he just drive to the agency and wait there.

He spent his time at the building talking to some of his label mates.

He got bored.

"It's just 12 pm, I'll just go back." he thought so he drive into a coffee shop to stay there. He also sent a text to manager Ryu

"Hyung, text me if she's on the way."

Soo Hyun just got inside the coffee shop and waiting for his order when his phone rings.

"Yah! Where are you? She's here. Her shoot got ended early."

"Oh sht." he said so he stood up and run to hia car.

He's lucky there's no traffic, it's 15 minute drive but he managed to go back in just 10 minutes. He get off the car and spot Yea Ji's car.

"She's still here." he says

He checked the elevator but it's still on the fifth floor so he proceeded inside.

He didn't know when he left, the elevator proceeded downward.

Then, it opened on the ground floor.

It's Yea Ji and manager Ryu holding a bunch of gifts.

Soo Hyun went inside and it was quiet, he checked the second floor- none, on the third floor he saw Saeron. "Searon ah!"  he said

"Yes, sunbaenim?"

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