part 3: "i want it"

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So this is basically what happened that night. I think this will have another part.

P.S I'm not good in writing about love scenes but I hope y'all enjoy!

"I'm sorry. I'm just overwhelmed. I didn't mean it. I don't need space. I just want you." she said while their foreheads are touching.

Soo Hyun smiled at her and wrapped his arms around her waist and gave her a sweet passionate kiss. Their kiss became deep as Soo Hyun delve his tongue in her mouth. She gasped and unconsciously placed her hand on his neck sliding to his nape.

When Soo Hyun broke the kiss to breath, he was staring at Yea Ji who was now breathing heavily. He closed his eyes and cupped her face.

"Yea Ji ah."


"I love you."

"I know. And I love you too." Now, she was the one who initiated the kiss. He grabbed her waist to put her on his lap- she was now straddling him.

"We need to stop." he whispered in between the kiss.

"I want it." she confessed

Soo Hyun looked at her intently, as much as he wants to do it. He still respect her and doesn't want it to happen because of their impulsivity.

"Are you sure?" he asked while running his hand on her back. She nodded then he started kissing her again- this time he sucked her lips, tongue fighting each other.

He stood up, carrying her to her bedroom. Placed her on the bed - hovering her and she lifted his shirts and throw it while his hands were under her shirt. She gasped as his hand reached the side of her breast. She broke the kiss, get up slightly and lifted her shirt.

"You're beautiful." he said softly and kissed her again. He unclasped her bra and started kissing her neck down to her collar bone. She let out a soft moan as he massaged her mound. Her hands was trailing on his torso. She reached the belt and unbuckled it.

Soo Hyun quickly removed his pants and boxers and he also removed her shorts. She was now holding his shaft, massaging it. While he was teasing her folds, and started rubbing her clit.

"AhHhhh." a moan came from her mouth when she felt his finger inside her. She hugged him as he added another finger and pulling it in and out.

"Yea Ji..." he said as he felt her stoking his manhood. He positioned himself and started thrusting her slowly.

"Soo Hyun... AhHh"

"Yea..Jiii ahHH."

"Please. Deeper."

The silent room filled with their moan. He thrust her faster and deeper..

Then they came together. He exploded inside her.

They were both catching their breaths. "Shit." he said above her while panting.

"Why?" Yea Ji asked as she massaged the back of his head. He looked at her with a worried eyes. "I forgot to wear a condom."

Yea Ji just chuckled at him. "It's okay, don't worry." she whispered. Soo Hyun gave her a confused look. "What if..."

"Then we will become a family." she answered

and laughed again "Yah! If that happens then it happens. Don't worry too much. Why? Are you leaving me if I got pregnant?"

"No. No. Never." He answered quickly "But of course, you know..."

"Shhhh. Let's not think about that right now." She said and pulled him beside her, placed the duvet on their bodied.

They were spooning each other. Yea Ji felt his breath on her nape. "I love you, Seo Yea Ji. Thank you for trusting me." he said softly as he placed a kiss ok her nape. She smiled and turned to him "I love you too."

They sleep peacefully that night.

This is just a short update. I will update when I have time.

Thank you!

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