PART 1: goodbye for now?

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

6 months after shooting IOTNBO.


Soo hyun was about to open the door of his car, he was about to go home after his meeting with the agency about his upcoming project; when he noticed a familiar figure who was about to enter the building--Seo Ye Ji.

Since they're in a same company- this scenario often happens to them. Sometimes they bumped to each other in the hallway. When that happened, he didn't know what to do. If Ye Ji didn't noticed him, he just watched her from afar. But when their eyes met- he just offered her a smile when deep inside him, he wanted to ask if she's doing okay, if she's sleeping properly and if she's happy. When he smile, she casually smile back to him or sometimes she just say hi to him and leave.

After the shoot, they didn't had a chance to talk to each other- privately. Because of their busy schedule and to avoid rumors.

So today, while his confidence and courage are there..... He runs towards her.

Before Yeji opens the entrance door, someone holds her hand- she thought it was just her driver to give something she forgot in the car but she got surprised as she saw Soo Hyun's reflection to the door.

She looks at her back and immediately removes her hanf from his touch. She roams her eyes to check if someone saw it.

She looks at him and asked "why?"

"Uhmmm. Are you busy? Can..Can.. we talk?" he asked

"Sure, after my meeting. I will tell my staffs to-" she didn't complete her reply

"Just the two of us. Privately."  he stated

"Are you serious? What are are going to talk about?" she asked

Soo hyun doesn't know what to say. He just want to spend time with her.

"About us." he explained

Yeji was taken aback as he said that. Us? What does that mean? Yeji always knew that he likes her - After they part ways - Soo hyun texted her every week to ask if she's okay. Sometimes he will call at midnight to make sure that she's already home. He did that for the past months. She, on the other hand sends a short reply and sometimes ignore his call.

She, too, has a feelings for him ever since he became affectionate towards her. Like when he covered her from the sunlight, when he unwrapped foods for her and many more sweet gestures. But they didn't talk about their feelings. Lost in her own thoughts he heard soo hyun spoke again saying

"I mean about us. You,me like what are we up to these days. Just like that." he explained "But if you don't like  or if you can't don't worry- it's okay. he added

"I'm happy to see you. So, bye" he declared. He felt his heart breaks when he turned around to walk away.

Yeji sighs. She knew he's sad. So she took a deep breath and shouted "3:00 pm at my friend's cafe. I will text you the address." he stopped for a moment, then she entered the building.Soo hyun got surprised. He didn't expect it. A smile formed in his lips.

During the meeting, Yeji was lost. Why did she say that. She thought that it was a bad idea but at the same time maybe this is the chance for them to talk about their feelings towards each other. She then texted him the location.

2:30 pm

Soo hyun looked at the notice "closed", he was about to call Yeji when a woman told him to go inside. He noticed that there are paints "Uhm sorry, our cafe is under renovation right now. Yeji called me if she could use the 2nd floor".

He then walked upstairs and sat in the corner. Je was thinking of texting Yeji to tell that he's here when he hard footsteps.

Yeji sat infront of him. "Sorry, this is the only place I think for us to talk." she explained. He said it's okay. Yeji's friend gave them a slice of cake and 2 iced coffee.

"So,,... what do you want to say?" Yeji asked
Soo hyun took a deep breath "I'm leaving." Yeji just looked at him- she thought he will confess his feelings but right now, he is saying goodbye??

"to where?" she asked curiously "To shoot abroad..." he explained

"I see. so when is your flight?" she stated "Tonight" Soo hyun replied. "How many weeks?" she added "I'll be gone for 6 months. It's for a movie and magazine shoot."

Yeji clears her throat and drink her iced coffee. "So you want us to talk privately to say that? Why?"

He doesn't want to leave without saying what he feels about her.

It's very ironic, he will shoot his movie in Spain. When he learned that they will be shooting in there, he remembered Yeji. He thought it will be nice if they come there together. He imagines them walking freely while holding hands and Yeji speaking in Spanish to order them food. But this time, it will be only him- and his partner for the movie.

Soo hyun holds her hand. "I just thought you should know. We will shoot in Spain and I remember you. I know you knew that I have a  feelings for you right?" he asked. She just nodded. 

"Do you have a feelings for me too?" he asked nervously. He also knew that she like him but he needs to hear it from her. So that he can leave without any regrets and worry.

"I like you. I like you, Soo hyun-ssi." she wisphered "But I can't. Not now." she added while stroking his hand.

He thought this will be easy when she doesn't like him or he doesn't like her. It makes him angry that they like each other but they can't be together. However, He understands her. He knows the reasons why they can't be together as this world that they are living is harsh -too much hate and negativity.

"Can you wait for me? When I feel that I can handle the hate they will throw to me and to us. Also, when I already achieve what I want for myself. I promise. I will go to you." she asked while looking at him.

He felt a pang in his heart. He knows she doesn't want to be labelled as kim soo hyun's girl. She just want people to recognize her talent and skill not just her beauty and body.

"I will wait for you. I promise.." he answered

"I miss you everyday." he said soflty

"I miss you, too and I will miss you. Someday, we can go to Spain and do everything you want us to do." she smiled.

They are now talking about what they did the oast few months when he checked the time -5;00 pm means he needs to go home to get his things and go to airport.

He stood up and sit beside her.

"Can we take a picture?" he asked.

She laughed, get his phone and took many selfies. He just watched her lovingly. This time he put her arms on his shoulder and took a photo of them.

She was about to press a kiss on his cheeks when he turned to asked her something--- their lips met. They got shocked and shy.

He clears his throat and said "I should go." Yeji pouts and sigh "You should. Remember my promise. Okay?" she stated

"Of course..."

They are now staring to ech other for almost 5 minutes..

"Uhmm. Can.. Can you hug me as.. I go?" he asked "It's just I will mi--"

she hugged him. he got shocked and he hugged her back...

"Thank you." he said while kissing her hair

she just closed her eyes and feel the comform and warmd of their hug

They broke their hug. She just watched him go downstairs-- then she walks toward to window from the 2nd floor. He looked at her in the window and just smile.

She watched him driving away...

Soo hyun is now on the airport, scanning the pictures Yeji took a while ago. He saw a blurred photo of them when they accidentally kiss he just laugh, he didn't know she captured it.

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