Random. [Might delete later]

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I promise myself I won't write HyunJi fanfic anymore but I couldn't help it. 😩 I miss them so much and it hurts!!  Just sharing this to you guys, might delete later or tomorrow.

Content: Pain and Sadness

All the ideas are entirely from my perspective.


He went home right away after attending that suffocating event. He had the most sad eyes among the nominees. Yes he was thankful for his nomination but he couldn't feel the genuine happiness. Not when there are too much noise surrounding him. especially to her.

He was so mad at the people who judged her and  called her names. He knew how his country reacts about a certain issue. He heard how the presenter called her name when she won. As if she had killed someone. "You can tell her name. She won't kill you." he mumbled, good thing he was wearing a mask.

There was no picture of him with other artists except Oh Jung Se - the one they would consider as their older brother on and off camera. He was beyond proud that he won. Because he truly deserved it.

He parked his car on the garage. He was supposed to spend the night in his condo unit but there were alot of people there he needs to recharge so he went home to his own house. He wanted some privacy.

He removed his suit and bow tie then slumped on his couch. The last time he spent his time in this house was with her. She said yes to him after their  filming ended. He knew her past. She knew his past.

And he could tell and prove to everyone that she was not that kind of person. Yes, she is not perfect but she was not like that. It's just humans forget about old things when new things come. She may be part of it but it wasn't her fault to begin with. He didn't even understand why she had to take all the blame and hate of the people. Maybe because she was a woman? She didn't apologize? Or is it because she chose her self more than her career? He couldn't really understand.

Now all of their moments turned into memories.

A happy memories.

After the incident and all of the issues about her; she decided to leave. Without a proper goodbye. He was aware that it really affects her. He felt so much pain but how much more to her? When she was the subject of all the judgement and hate of all the people who didn't know the truth.

Social media isn't the reality. We exactly don't know what is the truth and what is the lie. Of all the things we've seen, there's always a hidden truth that no one can say but her. Only her. But she chose not to tell it. Because it will just add fuel to the fire.

But what pains him was the idea that he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't even protect her. Because it would affect his career. His damn career. It's so funny that in this industry, one wrong move then you're over. One wrong move and everything you've worked hard to achieve will disappear in a snap.

Which is okay for him.

He had experienced a lot, got numerous recognition and awards that he didn't expect. At first he just wanted to act. He didn't know that he would be one of the biggest stars in the industry.

He was ready to let go all of it. He was contented of what he had become and ready to pay the price just to protect and help her.

It was damn okay for him. But of course not for her. He knew that, she didn't want to let other people down just because of her. Especially if it was him. So she decided to leave.

He sigh and closed his eyes.

He didn't want to ask her to come back because he knew she was so broken right now. He didn't want to be a reason for her to cry again.

He was hoping for her healing. He knew she can do it. She can overcome it. Everything will be okay,soon. He is still with her. It mag not be physically but he is praying for her healing and happiness.

Lost in his thougths, his manager texted him saying he e mailed the photos to him during the event. His photos a while ago, with Oh Jung Se and the edited pictures for her award.

He decided to open his Instagram account and post some photos. For the fans. And opened their agency's Instagram account to post her photos. He was happy that after all, there are people who believed and still supports her.

In this kind of situation, you will see who are the real and who are not. You will really see who cares and who understands. And of course, who truly loves her.

No caption needed. Her fans will understand that "THANK YOU" text in the pictures.

Maybe someday at some point, they would be together again.

And when that happens, maybe he can do what he couldn't do right now. It may be few years from now or even on their next lives. But he promise, whatever it takes he will protect her.

But as of this moment, he was hoping and praying for her healing. He will always be there, rooting for her silently.

"For as long as you know who are the people that matters in your life, the rest is just a noise. I hope you know that. I'm always here. Keep fighting. Everything will be okay. Always remember that I still and will always love you.. and supports you... from afar." he sent a text to her

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