our story: part 7

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

March 2018|| Soo Hyun is staying in the military camp in Paju and he has been doing really good. It's been almost 4 months since he started his mandatory military service and as he served on active duty for 100 days, he was granted to have his first time off. He is very excited for his two day break.

His manager visits him from time to time to update about Yea Ji and his cousin's company. He told his manager to ask Yea Ji if she can visit him during his short break.

"I'll call her but I think she's busy these days,Soo Hyun ssi. She have already started filming for her new drama."

Soo Hyun sigh as he heard that she's busy, he badly wants to see and hug her because he misses her so much. If she can go, that will be the first time they'll see each other again as the only communication is through his manager and he barely had time to call her.

First day of his break. He sigh as his manager didn't reply if call if Yea Ji can go. It's just 7 am and he is in a coffee shop, still in Paju. He doesn't want to go that far as his time off is only two days. He ordered iced americano and settled on one of the table outside the shop. There are only few people there and all of them are old enough to recognize him. He enjoyed this freedom. He get the scripts he brought with him to see what should he accept as his comeback drama. The first one's plot is good but there's something missing so he decided to review the next script which is a historical drama but he thinks the plot does not have enough depth. Finally, he get the third script - he was about to scan it when someone blocked his eye sight from behind.

He is startled as he thought a fan or someone recognized him but he smells a familiar scent. His heart started besting fast and as he turn around he's surprised It's Yea Ji. What surprised him more is her hair. She looks pretty in long hair but she's more stunning with a shoulders length hair with a bangs.

Yea Ji playfully saluted him as she smile while Soo Hyun is still in shock - he can't believe that she's right infront of him. To know if he's not dreaming or hallucinating he stand up and hug her tightly. Yea Ji chuckled as he felt him kiss her neck.

"Aigoo, did you miss me that much?" she jokes

Soo Hyun looks at her and pouts "Why? You don't miss me?"

She laugh and holds his face "I miss you everyday, oppa."

"I thought you're busy."

"Ofcourse, I'll make a way to see you."

He look around to see if someone's watching them but see no one then he kiss her passionately. Yea Ji got surprised by his actions but she really miss him too so she just let them pour their emotions in the kiss.

After that Yea Ji ordered coffee for her and sit infront of him. "Why are you there?" he asked

"Sit here beside me." he added

Yea Ji shakes her head and sit beside him, she leans her head on his shoulder and he placed his hand on her waist.

"You cut your hair. It looks good. You're very beautiful." he whispered

"I had to. For the role." she explained then she saw some scripts on the table. "Oppa, what's all these?"

"Scripts. I was trying to review some of it so that I can prepare for my comeback drama after my service here. You know I wish I could work with you."

She laughs and she knows it's impossible so she just say "Me too."

They decided to leave the coffee shop since there are alot of people coming in. They are now on her car he was surprised that she went in Paju by herself.

Meanwhile, Soo Hyun saw a text from his manager saying that Yea Ji go straight to Paju after finishing her scenes just an hour ago.

"You don't have a driver? Or even your manager?" he asked and she shaked her head. He felt bad about her driving for hours with lack of sleep just to see him and he saw her yawn numerous times.

"Do you have a shoot tomorrow?" he asked

"No why?"

"Sleep. I'll wake you up later."

Then he started to search if there's a near condo or any apartment to stay. Luckily he found one and it's only 15 minutes drive from Paju.

When they arrived, he went out to ask if there's an available room. When he got the key he went out to wake her up. But she's still in a deep sleep so he just carry her and gently placed her on the bed.

He called her manager,

"Hello. This is Soo Hyun can you send someone here tomorrow to drive Yea Ji back to Seoul?"

"Omo. Sure. Sorry, I said yes when she said she can drive alone. I know she's tired."

"It's okay. I'll let her rest for today. I will just text the address"

"Alright. Thank you, Soo hyun ssi."

He watches her sleep, he moves her bangs to kiss her forehead. He's relieved that she looks healthy but he's still worried about her sleep schedule.

Yea Ji woke up and felt someone spooning her she looks around to see where they are. She noticed that it's already dark outside. She turned around and saw Soo Hyun sleeping.

"How did I get so lucky?" she whispered as she stroke his face.

"I'm luckier to, have you" Soo Hyun said with a husky voice

D-2 They spent their remaining time on the apartment and now that Soo Hyun needs to go back to the camp and Yea Ji to go back to Seoul they couldn't help to become emotional.

"When can I see you again?" he asked burying his face on her neck. She caress the back of his head and sigh "I don't know, oppa. Don't worry we already did it so we can do it again for the next few months. I'll wait for you. Okay? Please be careful and be healthy."

"You too, Yea Ji ah. Don't forget to eat and sleep early if you can. Hmm? Don't make me worry. I love you." then he kissed her deeply "I love you, oppa." she said in between kiss

Just like that they went separate ways again. Not sure when they can spend time together again.

The next months have been very stressful for Yea Ji as there are several articles about her and Lee Joon Gi saying they are dating. The source was only the behind the scenes of their drama- Lawless Lawyer which is Yea Ji as usual being sweet towards him and because of that some of his fans started attacking her on her social media accounts. Joon Gi knows that she's always sweet not just  him but also to the other casts and he is aware that Yea Ji is seeing someone though he doesn't know who.

The news reached Soo Hyun. Well, he can't say he's not jealous but what worries him is knowing Yea Ji being sensitive - the comments and hates she's receiving could affect their relationship and ofcourse her mental health.

And he's right, his manager just called him to say that it's been  a week and Yea Ji didn't reply to any of his texts and calls. Soo Hyun is frustrated as he can't go to her and be with her at this time. What he can do is to wait for her to reply to his manager and wait for the holidays to come so that he can have a break.

Thank you for reading. Vote for them on Idol Champ. ✊

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