Better Days

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For her, days seems to finish slowly the past months. There she is, sitting on her unit's balcony watching the sun sets while her hand holding the script that was been given to her a month ago.

She was so lost and confused.

From what happened few months ago that resulted negative impact not only to her but the entire people surrounding her. Everything is a mess. She is receiving hurtful words from the people who don't really know her up until now because of that she came up with a hurtful decision, she had to end things with him.

It has been almost two months when she asked him if they could stop for awhile.

"I just need to breathe and think many things.I don't want my hurt to hurt you as well. I hope you understand."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Cool off." she whispered

"Okay. I won't ask you why.  If that's what you want and need right now. But please remember that I'm always here, waiting for you. I know your truth and I will always believe in you." he stated as he kissed her forehead.

They still had breakfast together and then he left.

She knows he's busy shooting his new drama. He seems okay. She did not hear anything from him after that talk.

Not until his mom called her a while ago asking a favor, if she could talk to him, or text atleast because he's been sick for almost three days and he doesn't want to go to the hospital or even drink his medicine. She knew very well that he is so stubborn when he's sick. 

What makes her heart hurt is the fact that his mother still recognize her as a family member.

"I'm sorry again, I know this is not a good time to ask a favor but you're the only person I can think to make him okay. Take care of yourself too.I'll cook for you when we meet again. Thank you so much, my daughter."

"Hey, your mom called me. She said you are sick.  Please atleast take a pill to reduce your temperature. Please don't make her worry." she sent a text after that call.

The sun is no longer seen up above. She checked her phone and he hasn't responded yet. They may be not in a good terms but she still worries about him so she tried calling him. But he's not answering. "Maybe he's asleep." she thought.

After a few tries, his mom texted her. "I'm sorry but I can't go back to his house right now. Can you look after him for the night? Thank you so much!"

She drives to his unit while trying to call him again but still no answer. Her mind started to overthink. She knows he works so hard for his new drama and he has a tendency not to eat on time when he's working.

"What if he passed out?"

"What if he couldn't stand up?"

"What if he hasn't eat yet?"

She arrived safely and opened the door. She proceeded to his bedroom and found him on his bed with a cloth in forehead. He is sleeping peacefully.

She then decided to walk towards him and sit on the bed. His temperature is still high. "Hey." she whispered while slightly tapping his cheeks.

He grunts and about to remove the hands when he feels the familiar warmth in it. He slowly opened her eyes. "Am I dreaming?" he said while looking at her.

She smile slightly "No."

"I miss you." he said while his voice cracks. He tries to sit up and she helped him. "Why are you crying?" she asked surprisingly

"I don't know. I just miss you so much." Like a kid he throws himself to her and sobs in her chest.

"Yah! You're sick, crying is bad for you." she said while running her hands on his back. "Aigoo, big baby."

He doesn't answer and she doesn't talk.

After the silence he speaks again,

"It hurts to see you hurting. What hurts me more is the fact that I can't help you ease the pain. I know you've been going through a lot. You saying that you don't want your hurt to hurt me as well breaks my heart. I want to be there. To help you even in a smallest way that I can. I don't want to see you suffer alone." he said as he look at her, he saw the dark circles under her eyes. He also observed how thinner she is than before.

"I'm sorry." that's all she could say as she holds his face. "I'm sorry." she said again as tears fall down in her cheeks.

"Shh, you don't have to say sorry. Especially to me. I love you and that won't change. We should be brave together. Hmm?" he stated while hugging her. He feels her nod. He smiles.

"Are we okay now? Are you my girlfriend again? I love you." 

"I love you too. You'll always be my boyfriend. The best boyfriend I ever had." she said as she look up to him and he kissed her lips.

She cooks him dinner and thankfully, he drinks a medicine to reduce his fever. They cuddle ln the couch of his living room talking about random things.

She check his forehead "Are you okay now?"

"Yes." he answered while pulling her closer. She chuckled and plays with his hair.

He wakes up first and watch her sleep and caress her face. "Goodmorning." he whispered. She slowly opened her eyes and saw his handsome face. She reached for his face and smile at him "Morning."

"I really love the way you smile. You're back."

"I'm back?" she confusedly asked

"I mean your smile. It's real."

"I guess, I'm just happy right now."

They both sat up and laugh at the thought they had a good sleep even the space is so small for the two of them.

He pulled her in his lap, giving her a peck and was about to kiss her again when -

"I guess it was just lovesickness." they both got shocked, she turned her back and see his mom wearing an airpron. She remove herself from his lap and greeted her.

"Looks like you're okay now. I guess you don't need me anymore."

"Omma, thank you." he said

"Aigoo! Look at you having no traces of being sick. Come on, let's eat breakfast before I leave you both by the way, you might want to give me a grandchild?"

They both got surprised "I'm just kidding! Come on let's eat!"

They both laugh and walk to the dining area hand in hand.

"I think I'm going to accept the role they offered." she said, they are now both in his balcony drinking coffee.

His face lit up "Really?" he said excitedly, she nodded. "I'm still scared tho." he heard her

"Hey, it's your passion. Do what makes you happy.  No matter what happens, I know you'll give justice to the role. People might have different reactions but you just need to listen to the one that matters. Okay? I'm proud of you. I know you'll do great and I'm here supporting you."

She smile, feeling warmth in her heart. "Thank you." she whispered and rest her head on his shoulder. "I'm hoping for better days." she speaks again.

"Don't worry. Let's claim it, better days are coming."

So hi again, As I said I might write again if there's an update about them. And I really miss them. Also, These days are getting better for the fandom so I hope you like this one. 💙

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