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Someone suggested this idea when I was still writing the 'Parents' but I can't find it in the comments. So whoever you are, this is for you. Sorry if it's late. ✨ Hope you like it.

Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

This year marks the tenth anniversary of Dream High. The lead casts planned to have a simple get together tomorrow.


7:30 pm

IU: Guys, are you all going tomorrow?

SUZY: I'll go!! 🙋

WOOYOUNG: Sorry guys I can't. TT

TACYEON: See you tomorrow guys!

EUNJUNG: I have an important thing to do tomorrow. Sorry guys. Miss you all tho!

IU: What about the highest paid actor here? Do you still remember us, oppa @/soohyun? 😂

SUZY: I guess he's busy.. 🤭

TAECYEON: Maybe he has a date tomorrow. Or he's in a date right now so he can't reply. 😌 Peace bro!

All of them are aware that he has a crush on Yea Ji. During the script reading and first weeks of taping day, they had a group video call and Soo Hyun was talking about her the whole time.

"This boy is so whipped." They thought

9:55 pm

SOOHYUN: Just got home from shoot. 😴

SOO HYUN: @/IU can u stop? 🤦

SOOHYUN: @/suzy yah! yes I'm really busy 🙄

SOO HYUN: YOU TOO! @/Taecyeon 😡

SOO HYUN: Where are you guys?

SOO HYUN: Btw, I'll see you guys tomorrow!

They decided to just have  dinner in a private restaurant. Soo Hyun woke up early as he has meeting on his agency regarding his new drama.

While finding a top in his closet, his eyes noticed a  sticky notes sticked inside. There are three.

The first one says "You did great! Here's a treat for you, actor Kim!"

In the pink sticky notes, it says "CHEER UP." and the last on yellow sticky notes "Thank you for everything, best partner. =) "

He smiles remembering how shy Yea Ji was when she gave him a coffee with that note when he shot a very draining scene. 

He recieved a pink sticky notes inside a book from her when he was feeling down when the filming was about  to end.

Then the last was sticked in a gift from her when the filming ended. A black bucket hat was inside.

He felt really bad that time that Yea Ji made an effort to gave him a gift on the last day of filming.

HE REMEMBERED "I'm.. I'm sorry. I don't have anything for you." he said as he looked at the gift she gave him.

Then she gave him a genuine smile "Don't be sorry. I just wanna give something to you before we end our path."

He felt sad when he heard it.

The last time he saw her was during the filming of AAA Awards but they didn't had a chance to talk. He badly want to reach her. Sometimes he feels that he's not worthy of her love. Sometimes he wondered if she has a feelings for him.

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