bowling date

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

"See you later. Be careful when you drive."  Yea Ji said

"Yes ma'am! See you. I'll pick you up at 3 pm." Soo Hyun answered on the other line. He decided to introduce  Yea Ji to his favorite sport- bowling. It has became his hobby and past time whenever he has no schedule. He was also playing bowling when he was on leave in his mandatory military service. He also joined some tournaments way back 2016. Well, he wants Yea Ji to experience playing it and of course to show off his skills to his girlfriend.

Today is his rest day which means- date day. He thought of something new that they can do and since Yea Ji is not into sports, bowling date it is.

He decided to take out iced coffee for Yea Ji before picking her up. She has a shoot for another magazine. He parked his car and texted Yea Ji.

"It's a wrap!" the photographer shouted. Yea Ji bows to all the staffs and said thank you. She then go to the dressing room to change. She gets her phone and saw Soo Hyun's text. She calls him.

"Are you done?" he asked

"Yes, I will just change. I'll be quick." she stated

"Take your time. I'll wait for you. Don't forget your mask and cap."

"Yes." then ended the call

After changing into comfortable cloths, she told her staffs that they can go home. Her staffs nodded and told her to be extra careful. She gets her bag, puts a mask and baseball cap then exit the studio.

Soo Hyun saw her through the side mirror wearing oversized shirt and shorts. "Beautiful" he whispered.

Yea Ji opened the door. "Hi. Did you wait for a long time?" she asked

Soo Hyun only stares at her. "Why?" she asked

"Where's my kiss?" he said while pouting.

Yea Ji chuckled and cupped his face and pressed a quick kiss on his lips. Soo Hyun's ears became red and they just laugh together.

"Is this for me?" Yea Ji noticed the iced coffee. Soo Hyun nodded. "Seatbelt." he said and start the car.

"Where are we going by the way?" she asked curiously.

Soo Hyun smiled "You'll see later."

It is a 20 minute drive. They arrived in the bowling center. Yea Ji saw the sign and looked at him. "So we're going to play?"

"Yes. Why? You don't want?" he asked

"Well, I'm not hat sporty. But I want ro try. Teach me. Let's go."

"Wait." he hold her arms. "Did you know that I play bowling?"

Yea Ji laughed at his cute boyfriend "Of course. I read an article way back. Let's go."

Soo Hyun can't help but to smile.

"Uhmm my close friend owns this place." he said

Yea Ji looked around. There's no people inside aside from them. She raised her eyebrow and asked him if he rented the whole place so that they can play.

"Don't worry. This will open later at 6 pm. We just arrived early. I asked my friend if we can play for a while before opening. Let's go, we have 2 hours." he said and take her hands. Yea Ji just shakes her head and laugh.

Soo Hyun takes two pairs of bowling shoes. Yea Ji was about to get it in his hands but he leaned down and put it for her.

"There." he said after tying the shoe lace. "I can do it by myself." she stated. "I know. I just want to." he answered and put the shoes on him.

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