I. Marriage: Life as a married couple

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For wrrrrsash I changed something but the main idea is still the same.

Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

p.s this will PROBABLY be the last story here, not sure tho.

"Newly marriage Kim Soo Hyun and his wife Seo Yea Ji has been spotted in Incheon Airport. The two reportedly just came back from their honeymoon in Spain."

"Are you okay?" Soo Hyun asked his wife as they walk at the airport hand in hand while there are people who take pictures.

"Yes. Don't worry." she answered

Finally, they have arrived to their van. Spending 2 months in other country feels like they are not celebrity. So that when they came back, they are surprised by the amount of paparazzi waiting for them.

They arrived at their home- Soo Hyun's house. They didn't have to build a new as Yea Ji didnt want to. "This feels surreal." Yea Ji said as she slumps on the couch.

"Why?" Soo Hyun asked while smiling brightly as he sit and pit her head on his lap.

"It's just that... The past years I've been going here but right now it feels different."

"Because now, this is your house too. You're not just my girlfriend who spends a night here but now you're my wife who will spend forever with me here." he stated as he caress her head.

"Are you done unpacking?" he asked

"Yes. It's just few. I already bring everything that I need before we go to Spain. Remember?"

He nodded "Are you going to work tomorrow?" he asked

"Yes, I have a magazine shoot." she answered as she sit properly beside him

"Isn't that so sudden?"

"Why? I need to work for us." she said as she chuckled

"You know you don't need to. I can provide for us."

"Yah. We already talked about the expenses here and---"

"Okay, okay. Sorry. I know and I understand." he said while hugging her.

"Your such a baby." she said and he just snuggle closer to her.

Yea Ji woke up early as her call time is 8 am. Soo Hyun is still sleeping. She kisses his forehead and go out to cook their breakfast.

While stirring the soup she feels a strong arms hugging jer from behind. "Goodmorning." he said in his husky voice.

She smiles and turn her back to face him. She put her hands on his cheeks "Goodmorning, husband."

He laughs and kisses her deeply. He was about to carry her when they heard the sound from the toaster. Yea Ji laughs at his face "the bread is cooked."

"This is so good." he compliments her cooking skills.

"Really? I practice really hard."

"Thank you for the food." he said after eating and kiss her forehead

"I'll do the dishes, get ready for your shoot."

After gettng ready, she saw him on the living room  using the vacuum. She smile at what she's seeing, her man doing the housework.

"I'm going now." she said, Soo Hyun walks towards her "Goodluck. I love you." he stated as he kiss her lips

"Aren't you going out?" she asked

"Not sure. Btw, call me if you will have dinner here or not. Okay? Text me when you get on your location."

"Yes, I will. Bye." she said as she kisses his cheeks

She's about to enter her car when "Yea Ji ah!"

"Why?" she asked as she laughs

"I miss you already."

"Yah. I can't leave if you're like that."

"Okay, okay. Bye, drive safely."

"I love you, Soo Hyun ah."

"I love you more."

It's already 6:30 pm and Soo Hyun is bored, being alone in his house feels different. He tried calling Yea Ji but she said the shoot got delayed so she's not sure what time they will finish it.

"We should bring Manny and Sulti here. So that I won't be lonely." he said as he pouts and uses his phone, scanning through the pictures they took in their honeymoon.

then Yea Ji texted him:

"The shoot just finished. I'll just go to the agency to get some scripts. I'm hungry TT"

Soo Hyun decided to cook their dinner instead of food delivery. The two months in Spain, they barely ate home cooked foods. He knows she misses it and plus he's a good cook.

After cooking, he fixed the dining table and texted Yea Ji. "Where are you? I'm done cooking."

25 minutes had passed and the door bells rings.

He excitedly opened the door when......

"Hi, Oppa. It's been a long time." a woman wearing a red dress appeared on their house.

Thank you for reading! Hope y'all enjoyed it. Not sure how many parts is this- I'm thinking 3 but I don't know if it will fit.

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