Almost: End

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

Soo Hyun couldn't even remember the last time they talked. He is now so frustrated, Yea Ji has been very busy the past months so whenever he would go to her house- she's not there or she just got home from shoot and had no energy to entertain a visitor so he ended up going home.

They are both invited to AAA to receive their awards. Both of them said yes to attend the said award show. He is looking forwrd to it as they will receive an award together.

But because of the higher case of COVID in South Korea, they need to observe social distancing. But he is still thankful that they get to stand on the same stage.

He walks toward the stage and stand on his place, he is nervously waits for her- she looks so beautiful as always. She walks on the stage, he turns to see her. Their eyes met. Yea Ji smiles genuinely at him and it makes him so happy and warm.

It's Yea Ji. Not Mun Yeong. He's sure about that smile.

A smile he misses a lot.

After saying his speech, the staff told him to exit already, he bites his lip and walk towards the exit.

He looks back to see her "I'm proud of you." he whispered

He heard that Yea Ji will receive the best artist award, he is so happy and proud. He's on his waiting room, the sound from the stage can be heard. The staffs around him talked about Yea Ji clinging her arms to her former on screen partner.

He looks down while holding his trophy, lips pursed and heart breaking.

He heard her saying I miss you to him, he noticed how comfortable they are together. Just like how they used to be. He's holding the trophy tightly, biting the inside of his cheeks and fighting his tears to flow. He takes a deep breath and composed his self.

Yea Ji thanked and honor her award to Gang Tae. Soo Hyun heard her speech. The staffs started to tease him, bur he just force a smile.

"It's for Gang Tae not me." he thought

Days after that, Soo Hyun is on the rooftop of Goldmedalist's building. Staring at the gloomy sky- looks like it represents his feelings right now.

"You're still smoking." a familiar voice said to him, a voice that he will never forget. a voice that he wants to hear everyday. HER voice that never fails to make his heart beats faster.

"Yeah. To relieve stress." he said plainly without looking at her, he's about to put the cigarette in his mouth when Yea Ji get it and throw on the ground and crush it using her shoes.

She crossed her arms and looks at the sky. "Why are you here?" he asks, still not looking. "I just want to say goodbye." she started

to end things properly."

It made his heart break into tiny pieces- for the nth time. Finally, he looks at her. She gave him a smile. A sad smile to be exact.

"Soo Hyun ah..." she starts "I----"

"What if we hold on?" he said while looking away.

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