II. Marriage: Surprise visit

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

Soo Hyun wonders why Yea Ji rings the doorbell when she doesn't need to do it, when he opens the door, he's surprised who is it.

"Oppa, it's been a long time." A woman wearing a red dress appeared on his door.

He's about to talk when the woman talk again

"It's me, Jae Yi."

"Fuck." he thought

Ha Jae Yi, his ex girlfriend. Probably his first love? and his first heartbreak.

"Wh.. what are you doing here?" he managed to ask

"I just came back from Singapore. It's been almost 8 years, oppa. I miss you." she said as she smile seductively

Soo Hyun scartches his back "I know. Why are you here really?"

"Aren't you gonna let me in?" she asked

"We have nothing to talk about, Jae Yi."

"What? did you forgot everything about us, oppa?" she's surprised by his sudden act, she thought he would be happy when she finally come back

"Stop it. Didn't you read news?" Soo Hyun asks her calmly.

"I was busy. Why?"

Soo Hyun sigh and raises his hands for her to see his ring. "I'm married, Jae Yi."

She was taken a back, she was surprised and speechless.

"Please leave, I don't want my wife and I to have a misunderstanding because you are here." Soo Hyun pleads

"You... What the hell, Kim Soo Hyun?! I thought you love me! I came back for you!" she shouted

"I loved you, okay? But that was all in the past-" his talk was interrupted by a call.

It was Yea Ji.

"Five minutes I'm almost there. Sorry it's traffic."

"It's okay. Drive safe. okay?" He said and ended the call

"I'm sorry but please leave us alone, Jae Yi." he said again and closed the door

His heart beats so fast not because he still have feelings for that woman but because she might cause a mess that can affect his relationship with Yea Ji.

"How did she found our house?" he thought

Yea Ji on the other hand just drive inside their subdivision, she saw in her peripheral vision a lady wearing a red dress walking past by her car.

"That was weird." Yea Ji said as she barely see people walking in the subdivision. She looked at the side mirror but the lady already walked far away.

After parking her car, she immediately went inside their house. "I'm sorry, how long did you wait?" she asked him

"It's okay. I just cooked it few minutes ago." he answered as he gave her a kiss on forehead "Should we eat first or you want to take a shower first?" he asked

"Uhm, can I shower first?"

"Go ahead. I'll heat the soup."

Soo Hyun couldn't believe what just happened a while ago. He doesn't know if he should tell Yea Ji what happened or not. Lost in his own thoughts

"Yah! Kim Soo Hyun!" Yea Ji raised her voice

"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly as she turn off the stove. "It's boiling."

"Sorry, let's eat."

Yea Ji noticed his sudden change, it looks like something is bothering him. She holds his hand "Are you okay?" Soo Hyun just smile and nodded

"Thanks for the food! I'll do the dishes" Yea Ji suggest

"Aren't you tired?" he asked

"It's fine and it's just few. Wait for me upstairs."

Soo Hyun is caressing her hair in their bed. They are now snuggling each other. "Tired?" he asked and she just hum while her eyes are already closed.

"Goodnight, love." she whispered as she snuggles closer on his chest.

"Sleep well, my love. I love you." he said

He sigh and prayed that Jae Yi won't come back again.

Two days after that, he is relieved that no signs of Jae Yi anymore.

He is now on their agency talking to his manager Ryu about it and asked him how did she dind their address but even him doesn't know.

"I don't have any idea, Soo Hyun ah. I think she has connections. Better if you tell the guards not to let her in if she comes back."

"Isn't it too much if I do that? Maybe she understands now, I know her and she's not that kind of girl who starts a fight."

"It's up to you but I'm worried about Yea Ji. Maybe you should tell her that your ex came in your house."

He sigh "I think so. I'll say it later. Thanks, hyung."

"Okay, I'll go ahead."

Yea Ji is filming another tvc today and Soo Hyun just finished his meeting. He's about to get in his car in the parking lot when.


Hearing that voice he knew who is it, he closed his eyes "aish!" he thought and looked back

Jae Yi is walking towards him "Are you surprised?"

"What do you want, Jae Yi? I told you I'm already married."

"Why? I thought you will wait for me." she said while pouting

"I never said that."

"But still-"

"Please! I'm sorry but leave me alone, while I'm being nice to you." he said, this girl is getting to his nerves

He's about to get in when she tries to hug him. Soo Hyun forced her to stop.

and she speaks again.

"Did you already forgot what I sacrifice for you? For our relationship back then? If you forgot we broke up because your first agency told you. Because you were just a rookie actor before and being in a relationship could cause trouble. But how come you forgot all about it?!" she stated as she cries

Soo Hyun just shrugged his shoulders. He gets inside his car and drive away.

Jae Yi wiped her tears and turns her back to go when she saw a familiar woman leaning on the wall while arms crossed.

She noticed the diamond ring in her finger.

Yea Ji has been watching them.

So,, I think this will have 5 parts. Thank you for reading! Today is APAN Awards, So excited to see Yea Ji and Jung Se later. Hoping for their photo together and interaction. It's kinda sad Soo Hyun won't attend. Still, PBIO best drama ✨

I used Yea Ji's character in Lawless Lawyer as Soo Hyun's ex girlfriend so that you wont hate her that much. 😆

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