our story: part 2

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

It's been three days and Yea Ji was wondering if Soo Hyun's number have changed because there was no reply or even seen on her message.

"Last..." she thought and tap the message box and started typing

"Soo Hyun sunbaenim... It's me, Seo Yea Ji." then click send. She was biting her lips as she gazed on her phone screen. 

Soo Hyun felt a little better now when he decided to stop reading reviews and comments about his film. He was now on the balcony of his house. Living alone was good but during down times he wish to have someone beside him. His mother would call him to ask if he's okay though but he didn't want her to worry about him so he always assured her that he was fine.

He was watching the rain pouring outside as he drink his tea. Then he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He get it and opened it. It has 59 unread messages from his friends, family and staffs.

But one message captured his eyes. It was an unknown number. When he opened it he got surprised and jolts on his seat, unconsciously putting the cup he was holding beside the table.

He reads it

sunbaenim... || 3 days ago

Soo Hyun sunbaenim... It's me, Seo Yea Ji.  || 4 mins ago

He gulp and he felt his heart beating so fast. Too much questions inside his head.

"It's been 3 years. I thought she forgot me."


"Did she read the news about me?"

"Is she  worried about me?"

"I didn't know she would save my number."

"I've been waiting so long for this to happen."

She was the reason why he didn't change his phone number. He was hoping one day she would reach him out. And now, it's finally happening. A smile formed on his lips as he type his message.

Meanwhile YeaJi's eye got big as he seen her message and started typing. She was patiently waiting for his reply. And then...

"Yes? Yea Ji ssi, it's been a while.. How are you?" she clutched her phone on her chest not knowing what to reply. With a heavy sigh, she was about to type her reply when his number flashed on her screen.

"Oh. What should I do?" Yea Ji told herself battling if she should answer his call or not.

"You texted him first, Seo Yea Ji." she said and slide the answer icon

"Uhmm.. Sunbaenim.." she said softly

Soo Hyun was still amazed how he had a chance to talk to her again. Her deep voice was still beautiful as her face.

"Yea Ji ssi."



Soo Hyun sigh "Are you still there? Sor---"

"No! You don't need to apologize sunbaenim. Uhmm So, how are you? I'm surprised you didn't changed your number." she answered

"I'm surprised you still have my number."

"Ah. Yes."



"How are you sunbaenim?"

"I guess.... I'm fine?" he chuckled

Yea Ji knew he was not fine at all. "Really?" she asked

"It's just that the past weeks have been so stressful you know what I mean but now I'm fine. I guess. I'm fine ....

a little."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No. I just want to forget things. How about you? I heard you have a new drama this year."

"Ah yes. The filming already started. It's fun but it's hard at the same time."

"Seo Yea Ji fighting!" Soo Hyun said which made Yea Ji chuckled

They didn't noticed the time. It's already 3 am and they are still talking like a best friend who didn't talk for a long time.

They've been talking about their life the past years, hobbies and many more.

"Sunbaenim, I didn't notice the time I still have a shoot later."

"Oh sorry, Yea Ji ssi. It's already 3. You need to sleep."

"It's okay I find it hard to sleep anyway. Thank you sunbaenim. Bye"

"Thank you, you make me feel better. Sleep well."

Yea Ji hold her heart after ending the call. He made her nervous but happy at the same time.

"Should I make a move now?" Soo Hyun thought because the past years he was afraid to take risks but seeing how Yea Ji came to him when he need someone, he was wondering if it will be worth it or not.

Because Oh Jung Se, Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Yea Ji are nominated in APAN STAR AWARDS this update is for all of you. ❤️

Thank you for reading!

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