I see the future: Part 2

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Yea Ji told her manager that she'll drive to Soo Hyun's house using her own car.

She bid goodbye to the staffs and casts.

She then texted him that she's on the way and told him not to cook dinner saying she'll just drive thru some food.

Meanwhile he left Ji Hoon on his living room while he takes a bath. He got surprised on what he sees downstairs. Its a mess. His toys are scattered on the floor while he's pulling the tissues on the tissue box that's in the couch.

"Ji Hoon ah. Were you bored?" he asked while putting the tissue away.

"Uncle, I'm hungry." the little boy said while holding his tummy

"Let's wait for aunt Yea Ji. She'll bring us some food."

"Aunt pretty?" he raised his voice

He just laugh and nodded.

He's now busy putting his toys on his bag. "Ji Hoon ah, help m--- huh?" he scans the living room and he's not there.

He got up and heard someone opened the door. Alarmed that he might go out he runs towards the door only to see Yea Ji smiling at him while Ji Hoon looks like at statue on his spot while looking up to her.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend." he said while laughing

"Hi, Ji Hoon ah." Yea Ji said, the kid just looks at her.

"What's wrong with him?" she asked

"I have a rival here." he said while walking towards her. He kissed her forehead and get the paper bag she's holding.

They are jow peacefully eating jajangmyeon with sweet and sour pork and a kiddie meal for Ji Hoon.

"How was shoot?" he asked

She sighed and smile at him "Tiring but it was fun. They're all nice."

"Good." he speaks while rubbing his thumb on the back oh her hands.

"Uncle, soon I will be big like you." Ji Hoon said while eating his nuggets. Soo Hyun laughs and ask why he wants to grow up faster.

"So I can marry aunt pretty." he said cheerfully while pointing Yea Ji. They are too stunt to speak. Yea Ji just laugh.

"But I'll marry her soon." he said earning him a slight slap on his shoulder from Yea Ji.

"Why?" he whispered then Yea Ji pointed the adorable kid.

Ji Hoon crossed his arms and was about to cry. "I want to marry aunt pretty."

"Alright you can marry me when you grow up. Now Eat up." Yea Ji said

Now it's Soo Hyun's turn to pout. She just chuckled at the two.

Ji Hoon wanted to play some more with them specially with his aunt pretty but Soo Hyun saw how she yawn from time to time while giving the kid her full attention, answering everything he asks.

He could imagine their scenario in the future with their own little one. He knows it's gonna be hard but it's fulfilling.

After few minutes he said that it's time to sleep.

They are now settled on his king sized bed. It's so unsual to see someone in his bed beside Yea Ji as he considers his room as his private space. Ji Hoon is on the middle drinking his milk. His eyes are slowly closing. So Yea Ji get the milk bottle and pat his back.

Soo Hyun just watch them. When he saw him sleeping already. He got up and put a pillow on his side to prevent Ji Hoon to fall then proceed walk on the other side to lie beside Yea Ji.

"Aigoo. My original baby is so clingy." she said while snuggling his face on his chest.

"Look who's talking." he said while caressing her back.

She looks up to him and smile "Goodnight."

"Sleep well, my love." he whispered and kiss her lips then her forehead.

I'm thinking of writing a part 3. Sorry for typos and grammatical errors! Have a good night/day everyone. Hope you like this one.✨

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