our story: part 8

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

note: The events  written here are not necessarily mean it really happened in real life. I don't have any idea regarding that. As I said this is from my imagination ofcourse with the soucre of Soo Hyun and Yea Ji's connected timeline. 😂🤡

Kim Soo Hyun, who is currently serving in the first Reconnaissance Battalion has reportedly been promoted to sergeant. As a reward, he was given a ten days time off.

"Finally." he said to himself, he's glad that his hardwork and dedication was paid off- getting a time off is what he needs right now. He called his manager to say the good news.

"Hyung!" he said as he walk towards his car

"Congrats on your promotion, Srgt. Kim!" his manager said. He laughs and shakes his head then Mr. Ryu gave his car key to him

"You're not going with me?"Soo Hyun asked

"I still have some errands to do here and I'll visit my mom. You know she lives in Paju." then he nodded

"How about Yea Ji?"

"She only texted me once, Soo Hyun. She said she's okay and we don't need to worry. Her drama already ended several months ago." Soo Hyun sigh because he knows she's not totally fine.  "Okay, hyung. Thank you. I'll go now." he stated

He went straight to Yea Ji's apartment to see how she's doing. It's already afternoon when he got there and he's pretty sure she doesn't have any schedule because it's Sunday. When he arrived at her unit, he rings the doorbell. Once. Twice. He tried calling her but no answer. He wanted to surprise her but since he knows the passcode, he just decided to go inside.

Her dogs welcomed him and he didn't see Yea Ji on the living room so he go to her bedroom and there she is, sleeping. He really miss her so he sit on her bed and saw her hand holding her phone. He removes it and accidentally saw some messages on her instagram throwing hate and saying hurtful things about her. He feels his blood boiling inside him as he read the comments. No one makes her baby girl cry. And She doesn't deserve all the hate. He really felt bad knowing she endured all the pain alone. He just watches her sleep until she wakes up. She jolts on the bed as she see him. She doesn't know why he's here and there's no holiday so come he has a time off she thought.

"Yea Ji ah." he said softly and gave her a hug. She didn't talk but Soo Hyun felt she's crying on his chest as he felt it on his shirt. He close his eyes and it pains him seeing her like this. "Don't cry. I'm here. Sorry if I'm not around when you need me." But she just cry harder and he panics "Why? Why are you crying like that?" "Yea Ji ah." "Look at me please." "Hey, it's gonna be okay."

Yea Ji doesn't know why but she's being a cry baby right now maybe because she really miss him plus all the emotions inside her just make her emotional. Soo Hyun is trying to make her look at him but she just buried her face on his chest.

He decided to just wait for her to speak. He positioned himself leaning on the headboard then placed her on his lap. She really look a baby right now. He starts running his hands on her back while swaying his body.

After a while, finally she looks up to him.She smile and kissed his lips. Her kiss this time is aggressive as he felt her bite his lower lip. He lets out a soft moan when she suck his tongue and he felt an electricity over his body when she started straddling him and grinding her hips. He really think this is a bad idea so he holds her shoulder for her to stop and he could see how swollen her lips as she looks to him.

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