V. Marriage: Closure

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

Soo Hyun stirs and was about to pull Yea Ji closer when he realized she's not in the bed anymore.

Then he saw her sitting at the edge of their king sized bed. "Are you okay?" he asked, still sleepy.

Then she breathe heavily and turn to him. "Looks like she didn't understand what I said last night." she said and gave his phone to him.

He reads the article and just sigh. "Don't worry about it. I'll talk to the management about that later." he said, he sense how Yea Ji is worried about him "Did you read the comments?"

Yea Ji nodded "I can't help it."

Soo Hyun gets her phone and turn it off. "Don't read them."

Yea Ji just sigh, she saw a lot of hate comments about him because of that misleading article.

Goldmedalist finally released a statement regarding the issue.

"Kim Soo Hyun's agency finally confirmed that the actor and the woman on the picture dated 8 years ago for almost just 6 months. However, the rumor of him cheating to his wife- Actress Seo Yea Ji is definitely NOT TRUE.

Kim Soo Hyun himself asks the media to stop spreading false information/rumor about his private life.

Goldmedalist will file a lawsuit to whoever try to spread fake rumors about Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Yea Ji."

Jae Yi saw the statement from Soo Hyun's agency. She then decided to go to their house again.

She slams the door. "YAH! KIM SOO HYUN! SEO YEA JI!"

Yea Ji is the only one in the house as Soo Hyun is still at the agency. She heard a familiar voice as the noise filled the entire house.

"This woman is really testing my patience." she thought and opened the door.

"Yah! I won't let you have a happy ending. If we cant be together then you can't have him too! You don't deserve to be happy!!" Jae Yi shouted at her

"YAH! HA JAE YI." She said in a cold tone

"Aren't you going to stop? Aren't you embarrassed of yourself? Look at you being miserable when you can just move on and accept things---"

"I want him back! He is mine! He's not yours!"

"I do not own him, Jae Yi ssi. He belongs to himself." she said as a matter of fact

"He doesn't love you anymore! Even if you spread your old pictures publicly and spread some rumors about him, HE WON'T GO BACK TO YOU." Yea Ji stated sternly

Jae Yi got mad as Yea Ji's words hurts her feelings. She slaps her hard on her right cheek.

Yea Ji got surprised and felt a pain in her face. She holds her right cheek and looked at Jae Yi.

"Leave." she said calmy

Jae Yi just laugh "Does it hurt? Do you want more? Huh?! You deserve that, bitch! Don't act like you're so kind because I know you want to hurt me now, Go on! Slap me!" she challenge her

Yea Ji is counting to three to calm herself. Just like how Gang Tae told Mun Yeong to control her feelings.

"Physical pain can heal easily but that pain in your heart won't heal---"

Jae Yi is about to slap her again but then Soo Hyun stopped her.

She saw how his eyes look at her.


"Don't you dare hurt my wife." he said

"I'm done being considerate Ha Jae Yi. I thought you're a decent girl who won't start a mess. But I was wrong." he added

Jae Yi felt a pang in her heart, it feels so different when those words are from him.

"I'm sorry to say this but I never wait for you to come back. I'm sorry if you have to go through this. I'm sorry if I don't love you anymore. I'm sorry if you waited.... for nothing." he whispered

"But please.. please if you really love me, leave us alone. You're just going to hurt yourself." he pleaded

Jae Yi can't say anything, she's just crying as he listen to him.

"But thank you... Thank you for sacrificing your love for my sake. I will always rem---"

Jae Yi couldn't anymore, she runs away as she sobs.

Soo Hyun breath heavily and looks at Yea Ji who's in dazed.

He noticed her right cheek. "Yah! Did she slap you?!" he raised his voice

She jolted and looked at him. He then caress her red cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." he said repeatedly while looking at her

She doesn't know why but she feels so emotional. "We hurt a person." she wanted to say

"Does it hurt? Why are you crying?" he asked worriedly

She hugged him tighter. "I'm okay." she whispered

The next day, Jae Yi deleted her post.

One week after, Jae Yi called Yea Ji if they can meet. She said yes.

They are at the same restaurant where they ate.

They ate silently.

"Why do you want to meet me?" Yea Ji asked

"I'm going back to Singapore. Uhm I just wanna apologize. I'm sorry, for everything." she stated

"I already know I lost but I just couldn't accept it. But I promise I'll get there. I'm healing, slowly. Thank you for making me realized things. You are a good person." she added

Yea Ji just listen to her.

"I'll go now. Today is my flight." she said and stand up. She walks passed her but this time its is Yea Ji who stopped her.

"Thank you and I'm sorry too. Time heals all wound. Just take your time to accept things and you'll be fine."

Jae Yi smile at her. Genuinely.

Whatever comes, let it come.
What stays, let it stay.
What goes, let go.

Thank you for reading. I hope you are satisfied.

I said that this is probably my last story here. I'm still thinking if I will continue writing.

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