part 1: overwhelmed

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It's been almost 2 weeks since they saw each other because of their busy schedule especially Yea Ji. She's so in demand right now and Soo Hyun was happy about it. But, seeing how thin Yea Ji right now in her photos she's sending to him, it made him worried.

He called her but she didn't answer. He sighed. It's already 8:00 pm, he knew she was still shooting right now. He just left a text "Call me when you're done. I miss you."

Meanwhile, Yea Ji was sleepy because of her insomnia she barely had a complete sleep the past days. She was drinking her fourth coffee for the day so that she would feel less sleepy for her last shoot.

After the shoot, she went to the dressing room to change and she checked her phone. She saw Soo Hyun's text. She got her things and proceeded outside. In her car, she breathe heavily then called Soo Hyun.

"Hey." she started

"Where are you? Are you home? Are you okay? Did you eat?" he asked

Yea Ji chuckled at her boyfriend "Can you please ask one question at a time"

"Oh. Sorry. So, are you already home?"

"Not yet, I just got here in my car. I'm tired, I'm sleepy." she whined

"Let's video call." he suggested

"Pretty as always." he thought but he noticed her sleepy eyes and dark circles under it he sighed.

"hi, handsome." she smiled

"Do you want me to go to you?" he asked, she shakes her head.

He raised his eyebrow "Why?"

"You don't miss me?" he pout

"I do. But it's already late. Besides, I just wanna sleep right now Soo Hyun ah" she explained

"I can put you in sleep. Please,I wanna hold you."

As much as she,too, wanted to see and hold him right now, she didn't want him to drive at this time.

"I don't have any schedule tomorrow, we can go out. Hmm?"

"Fine, fine. Please eat before going to sleep. Make sure to lock your door. I will go there tomorrow at 10 am. Okay?"

She smiled, "Yes, I will. I love you."

Soo Hyun bit his lips and laugh. "I love you too."

Soo Hyun was wearing a black shirt, shorts and a cap. He went out of his house and went inside his car. After 30 minutes he arrived at Yea Ji's house. He called her. But it looks like she was still sleeping so he just wait in his car and lets her sleep. While waiting he decided to post a picture in his instagram, so he took a selfie.

After 30 minutes of waiting, he got out of the car. Yea Ji gave her door's pass code to him. When he opened the door, her corgi welcomed him. He roamed his eyes and he saw many flowers and gifts from her fans scattered on her living room.

Her bedroom's door was opened and he saw her still sleeping. He then walked in and sat on the floor. He was just staring at her beautiful face he could stare at her face all day. An alarm coming from her phone probably was ringing. He quickly got it and stopped it. But when he looked at Yea Ji, she was already awake.

"Goodmorning." he said while caressing her face and putting strands of her hair behind her ears. Yea Ji opened her arms. Asking for a hug.

While hugging, Yea Ji whispered "It feels like I just closed my eyes."

"What time did you go to sleep?" he asked curiously

"I couldn't sleep. I think I just slept for just three hours." she explained.

"Are you still sleepy? You should sleep some more." Soo Hyun suggested

"But we decided to go ou---"

"It's okay. What's important is your health. Look at you, you're so thin. Atleast I'm here beside you. We can still go out later. I don't have any schedule." he explained

"I'm sorry." she said softly

"Shhh. You don't have to say sorry,I understand."

He lay down on her bed and placed her head on his chest. He hums a song to put her into sleep.

Yea Ji slept for almost 7 hours. It's already 6 pm and Soo Hyun just chuckled at his sleeping beauty. She was indeed in a deep sleep. It made him happy to see that she was getting enough sleep.

He, himself slept beside her for an hour or two, when he woke up she was still sleeping. While waiting for her to wake up, he arranged the gifts anf flowers in her living room, he gave foods to her furry babies and play with them.

And now, he decided to cook for her. It's almost dinner time. He checked her fridge but there's nothing to cook. He decided to go out to buy some foods at the nearby restaurant.

Yea Ji woke up at 7. "Oh my god. I slept so much." she said. She thought Soo Hyun left already and it kinda made her heart broke. She went out of her room and saw how the gifts and flowers arranged properly and she saw her pets eating. She felt embarrassed.

She was surprised when the door opened. She saw Soo Hyun holding paper bags from a restaurant. "Oh. You're awake! How are you?" he asked and placed the paper bags on the dining table.

"Let's eat." while preparing the food, he felt her arms. She was back hugging him. Soo Hyun smiled and turned around. He kissed her forehead "Are you okay?" Yea Ji felt her heart aching, she thought how did she get ao lucky having him in her life. He was so understanding and it made her think that she doesn't deserve him. "Yea Ji ah, what's wrong? Hmmm?"

Yea Ji hugged him and rest her face on his neck. "Thank you so much and I'm sorry." Soo Hyun understand why she was like that. "Hey, I told you it's okay. I understand that you were busy. I'm still happy that we can still spend time together."

"I don't deserve you." she said, tears are now forming in her eyes. Soo Hyun felt his heart broken into pieces when he heard it from her. He was scared. He was scared that Yea Ji might broke up with him. He quickly wiped her tears, hold her hand. "Yea Ji ah, please don't say that. You deserve me. And I deserve you." he stated sternly. "Please. Stop saying you're sorry. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Let's eat." she said. They ate quietly. After eating, Soo Hyun was about to do the dishes when she said she can do it. Soo Hyun sighed then went to the living room.

He was scrolling in hia phone when he felt her sitting beside him playing her fingers. He looked to her and pull her to sit in his lap. She was just quiet, not knowing what to say.

"Do you need space?" he asked. She was surprised. She didn't expect it from him. She shook her head and placed her hand in his face. "I'm sorry. I'm just overwhelmed. I didn't mean it. I don't need space. I just want you." she said while their foreheads are touching. Soo Hyun smiled and wrapped his arms around her and started kissing her.

They ended up in her bedroom, naked.

p.s sorry for grammatical errors


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