PART 3: us

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

After 6 months of shooting their movie they can finally go back to Korea and rest.

He wondered if she knew that today is his flight going back to Korea. He calls her but she didn't pick up. So he just left a text.

YeJi couldn't sleep , she received Soo Hyun's text. She knew that today is his flight. But, she can't think properly because of what she saw on an article awhile ago...

"Actor Kim Soo hyun and leading lady for his upcoming movie spotted eating together in Spain." that was the headline plus a picture of Soo hyun and the girl smiling to each other.

She took a deep breath. Every picture has a story to tell she thought and besides, it's not just the two of them. They're with their co-actors and some staffs but she can't help but to feel jealous. She didn't reply and just forced herself to sleep.


After a long flight....

"Finally" Soo hyun said as he entered his car. He checked his phone- too many messages he noticed that YeaJi seen his text but did not reply.

When he arrived at his hous, Soo hyun texted Yea Ji saying that he's now at home and decided to sleep off his jetlag plus he's so tired.

Meanwhile Yea ji woke up at 7 am. She saw the text

"I'm home. I will go to your place later. I miss you."

She didn't know if she will reply.... After staring at his text for a long time... She did not reply....

but she missed him too..

Soo Hyun woke up at 9 am because the door bell rings. He doesn't expected anyone to go today. When he opened the door...

It was his partner for his movie. He got surprised.. "wha-what are you doing here?" he asked

"I'm sorry. But you left your wallet at the airport." she answered

"Oh. You should've texted me before going here. But, Thank You." he answered

"Uhmm, would you like to go inside?" he added


Soo Hyun didn't expect that woman to go to his house. He sighed it would be rude if he didn't let her in.

She's now sitting in the dining table while Soo Hyun prepares coffee for them.

"Here." he said while putting the coffee on the table. She said thank you.

--- awkward silence ---

"So... do you have a girlfriend?" she asked

Soo hyun got shocked by her sudden question. "Why?" that's the only word he could say right now

"Nothing. Just so you know that there are few articles going around the internet about us." she explained

Soo Hyun didn't have any idea about that. He got surprised and checked his phone to see that articles. She's right, there are few articles about them. He sighed as he knew Yea Ji did not reply to his texts because of that articles.

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