Almost: Reunited

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

Yea Ji didn't renew her contract on her previous agency as she wanted to sign in an agency where it will protect her privacy. Plus, her previous agency didn't even bother to sue the people who harassed her online. She have had enough of her haters DMing her and throwing so much hate towards her so she decided to deactivate all of her social media accounts.

She have received various offers from different labels but she needs to read what they can offer to her.

Soo Hyun planned to build his own agency before he enlists so that his privacy will be protected and it has been always his dream. His cousin arranged all the requirements when he wasn't around, some of the staffs who have worked with Soo Hyun followed him to the agency. Thankfully, the staffs have completed all the requirements before he was discharged.

She was scrolling into her e- mails then she saw a mail from an agency she never heard before. "Oh, it's new." she thought and clicked it.

"Greetings, Ms. Seo Yea Ji!

We are a newly built agency- Goldmedalist. We would like to inform you that we are recruiting some artists to join our label. We may be a rookie agency but our main objective is to assure the artist's safety and privacy.

For more information about the company kindly click this link...... goldmedalist/

Thank you."

Meanwhile, Soo Hyun jolted on his sit as he saw the sent emails of the company.


"Sir, we emailed all of the artist's who are currently finding a label." a staff texted him

He instantly searched Yea Ji's name and found out she didn't renew her contract. He wondered what happened.

"Is this just a coincidence?" he thought

After a week, Yea Ji finally decided to join Goldmedalist. She is now on her way to the building to have their first meeting.

Meanwhile, Soo Hyun doesn't know what to do. What will be her reaction if she sees him? Not just that, will she be surprised to see him being one of the founder of the company?

"Are you okay?" his co executive asked him, he nodded and smile.

Soo Hyun and two others executives are now on the meeting room along with the few staffs. They are waiting for two rookie actors, Kim Sae Ron and Seo Yea Ji.

They heard a knock and the two rookies entered the room. They are shocked to see Soo Hyun there. The next one is Kim Sae Ron, like the two earlier, she didn't expect to see him. He's wondering if Yea Ji will react the same way.

Finally, the door opened again. A stunning Seo Yea Ji entered the room. The staffs are whispering to each other talking about how beautiful she is.

Soo Hyun saw her - she's looking good as usual but he feels anxious seeing her. She is very intimidating. The way she walk and bows at them- she didn't even bother to look at him and just sit on her respective place. Yet, he didn't even know if she noticed him.

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