Parents V-1(TROS)

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For somewhere_greeny and kneeeeklaus ✨ thanks for suggesting! hope you like it.

Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

N 1: It's been a year since we've met Hajun and Hyejin. Sadly, this will be their last broadcast for our show.

N 2: Yeah I'm kinda sad, but let's see what are they up to this day.

Four year old Hajun and one year old Hyejin are on the living room roaming around.

N 1: It's that their house? It looks different.

N 2: I guess it's not?

An unfamiliar woman walks towards them.

"Halmeoni!" Hajun shouted and runs toward her

Then the camera focuses on the woman's face. Her eyes are similar to Soo Hyun. She welcomes Hajun with a hug.

N 1: Oh, is that Soo Hyun's mom?

N 2: Wah, Soo Hyun looks like her. And wait, I kinda see some Yea Ji's features.

Hyejin also runs to her grandma while holding a doll on her hands.


"Anyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Soo Hyun's mom. Hyejin and Hajun's grandma. I first met my beautiful daughter - Yea Ji when Soo Hyun visited me with her. It was before his enlistment. He said that they were dating that time. I witnessed the growth of theor relationship and I'm very thankful to Yea Ji for taking care of my son. Whenever they both have schedule the kids are in my place." She explained

N 1: I still can't believe they were already dating even before their drama.

N 2: No wonder their chemistry was on another level.

N 1: Even their kissing scenes *laughs* Looks very genuine.

"Halmeoni, I'm hungry" Hajun said

"Hyejin! Me!"

"You're also hungry, hyejin ah? Wait here grandma will get snacks."

While eating rice cakes, the door bell rings. "Wait here, I'll open the door."

N 1: Who's that?

"Omma! Appa!" Hajun said excitedly. Soo Hyun fetch Yea Ji from her shoot.

Yea Ji and Soo Hyun hug their mom. "Omo, it's been so long since I saw you." she said while caressing Yea Ji's face. "I'm sorry, omma. I have a busy schedule these past few days." she answered as she smile

"How are you, omma?" Soo Hyun asked "I'm okay. I enjoyed spending time with them."

After catching up, they decided to go home. Hajun and Hyejin are asleep. Hajun is on Soo Hyun's arms while Yea Ji carries Hyejin.

"Bye, omma. See you soon." Yea Ji said

"Omma, we'll see you soon. Be healthy. Okay?" Soo Hyun added "Of course. Bye!" his mom answered

While inside the car and the two are fast asleep, "How should we tell Hajun that the hyungs- pertaining to the cameramen in their house will soon leave?" Yea Ji asked him

"Hmm, I think we should say it in another place."

"For sure he'll be sad. They are practically playmates. Every camera man has a soft spot for him."


Staff: Why did you decided to leave TROS?

"Hajun is getting bigger, soon he will start to attend school and these days we noticed that he's uncomfortable when other people recognizes him especially when he's outside." Soo Hyun said

"One time, he asked me why a lot of people knew his name. As a mother, I don't want him to feel awkward when he's outside. And I think one year in this show is already enough." Yea Ji added

N 2: We understand their reasons and we are very grateful that they got to share a few moments of their lives publicly.

The next morning, Soo Hyun and the kids are out to have a picnic. They decided to go in a park.

The three settled in a blanket under the sun. "Are you hot, Hajun ah?"

"Yes." he said and put a glasses on him.

N 1: So handsome

'Hyejin too!" he said as he put a glasses on his sister.

"Appa! Appa! Hyejin stated while pointing the fruits on the basket beside them. He get it and gave one to her.

"Hajun ah, you know your hyungs in our house?" He started, Hajun nodded

"They need to leave already." he said

Hajun looks at him "When?" he said as he pouts


Soo Hyun expected him to cry but he just nodded and proceed to eat fruits.

"Aren't you sad?"

He shakes his head. "Why?" Soo Hyun asked

"Omma said that hyungs are not permanent in our house and that they need to leave when it's time. I'm sad, appa. But it's okay."

Soo Hyun is speechless, he's like a 20 year old in a body of a kid. He pats his son's head and smile.

N 1: Look at him so proud father

N 2: Yea Ji as a mother is something else

They spent the day in the park, playing in the playground, flying a kite and playing some bubbles.

At home, Hajun gave something to the camera mans. He gave a cookie he baked at daycare with a message "Thank you for playing with me."

"Hajun ah, before we go back to our private lives do you know that today is omma and appa's anniversary?"

"Anniversary? What's that?"

"Today is the day whem we got married. Let's surprise her." Hyejin claps her hands.

Hajun smile and nodded "Let's surprise omma!"

Last part is in progress. Thanks for reading! I hope y'all enjoyed.

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