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"Hey." he said softy and sit beside her keeping a safe distance. They are now sitting on a chair inside the empty room.

"Oh." she jolted slighty to see his existence. "Hey." she added

"It's been so long. It's nice to see you again." he speaks.

She nodded and look at him "Yeah. 4 years."

"How are you?"

"Why are you still here?" They both asked in unison.

"You can answer first" he said

"I am fine." she answered genuinely as she looked at him.

He sighed "Good." he said and nodded.

Both of them were too shy to speak. It's been so long since they see each other this close.

"You haven't answer my question yet." she speaks

"Uhmm. Well, I just want to know if you're okay. You know, after all that happened." he said honestly

She chuckled "I am really fine. I'm doing great that's why I'm here." she replied

"How do you know? That you're already okay?"

She looked at him then look straight ahead watching the sky on the massive glass infront of the room, "Because I know now why I needed to face that. I've made a mistake that puts me in that situation and over the years that passed, I got to know myself more. I've learned many things and I don't know, one day I just woke up not feeling scared and upset anymore. Maybe I got tired of blaming myself and all I could do was accept everything and move on." she answered

He nodded at her response, clasping his hands. "What if we revealed our relationship back then? What do you think will happen?"

She bit her lips before answering "Then some people would be happy, while the majority would be mad and probably resent me."

He looked at her, as always she speaks for herself. He couldn't help not to release a sad smile after hearing what she said. "You know sometimes I blame myself for everything."

"Why do you say that?" it was her turn to look at him

He released a deep sigh "You know. If I haven't been a coward and not leave you for the sake of my blooming career, all of this wouldn't happen. You won't experience a toxic relationship because I'm not going to let that happen to you."

With a deep breath ,"It's not your fault. It's not our fault. Besides, old keys won't open new doors. Just because things could have been different, doesn't mean they would have been better. Spare yourself from that guilt. Everything is okay now." she speaks while giving him her genuine smile - a smile that he really miss.

He nodded and they started to talk about some of their personal whereabouts. The last time they saw each other was three years ago at their agency however, the day that he saw her was her last day at GM, she didn't renew her contract so they didn't have any communication after that.

"I love re-watching It's Okay To Not Be Okay." he said "People don't know we were an ex couple when we did that." he added

"That's a secret." she said while laughing

"Another one is in the making." he speaks, she nodded. "Alright, that was a good talk. See you at shoot?" she said while standing up from the chair

"Oh, I can drop you off?"

"No thanks, I can drive."

"Okay, Can't wait to work with you again. See you!"

She smiled at him, getting her things. Before opening the door she looked back at him "You haven't change at all, you're still awkward during script reading."

He just laugh and wave his hand while watching her walks out of the room.

Not all the people we lose is a loss.

Losing someone who had a biggest part of our lives really hurts. But we need to lose them along the way to appreciate the beauty and value our life. And most importantly, find ourselves again.


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