Away from everyone

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

continuation of APAN. ENJOY!

"Wake up. We're here." Soo Hyun taps sleeping Yea Ji beside him.

She stirs and look around, it's still dark but she saw a sign outside "Seoul Station." she's confused what are they doing there.

"Let's go. The train leaves in 20 minutes." Soo Hyun said.

Still in dazed she checked her phone and it's 2 am.  Soo Hyun opened the door at her side "wear this." giving her a mask.

They walk hand in hand. "It's cold." she said and Soo Hyun wrapped his arms on her shoulders.

It's still early so there are only few people inside. When they got in the train, she was surprised that the whole wagon are empty.

She looks at him suspiciously. "Yah! You're spending too much." she said, typical Soo Hyun who rent a whole place or restaurant for us to date and now this one wagon.

"Don't worry the other wagons are occupied. This is the only one I rented. Don't think too much." he said and pull her to sir beside him.

"I want the window seat." she said as she pouts. Soo Hyun being a good boyfriend exchange seat with her even though he too wants the window sit.

"Where are we going btw?" she asked

"Nami Island." 

Yea Ji pull her head up as she's leaning on his shoulder and look at him. "Why?" he asked

"What are we gonna do there?"

"Unwind? Walk, Eat and take a picture together. You know I said to myself oneday, I'll bring my woman in Nami Island. It's very popular especially for couples because of the scenery plus it's winter. I know you're not a fan of cold weather. We can just stay indoors in you want. I just wanna spend this week with you. Far from the eye of everyone."

"How did I get so lucky?" she said and smile at him. He kisses her forehead.

After two hours, they arrived at Nami Island. It's already 4:30 am and the sunrie is so serene.

"It's so beautiful." Yea Ji said as she watches the scenery.

She lookes at her back and saw Soo Hyun taking photo of her. "Beautiful." he whispered

"Let's go."

They will stay in a guesthouse far from the crowded part of Nami Island, the placed just opened a week ago so some people didn't know this place exists.

The house if pretty big and It has a fireplace.

They just decided to sleep and have a brunch when they woke up.

After eating, it's not too cold outside so they decided to take a walk. Hand in hand. They are just like a normal couple in a date. They eat in a local restaurant, old people are mostly there so they didn't have to wear their mask.

Ofcourse, after strolling around their day- Yea Ji's day is not complete without drinking coffee. They went to a new coffee shop near their guesthouse.

"There's many new established places here." Soo Hyun said as he sips his coffee

"Yes. It's really nice here." Yea Ji answer as she roam her eyes outside. The place in quiet just like the way she wants.

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