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"Where do you want to celebrate your birthday? Should we try to eat out or--"

"I'm going to work that day." she speaks while using her phone

He sit beside her after washing his hands. "Are you okay?" he asked her worriedly, they ate together a while ago and he doesn't fail to observe her speacing out and not talking to much

"Did something happened?" he asked gently while holding her shoulder to face him. "Hmm? Are you okay?" he speaks again while caressing her arms.

She sigh and put her phone on the table. "Nothing, I just don't feel to celebrate it." she answered while pouting.

He frowned and hold her chin to meet her eyes. "It's your birthday so we should at least celebrate it after your shoot."

"I don't want to."


"Come on, tell me." he said

With a pause while looking at him and sigh deeply she speaks softly, "I don't know, I feel like if I celebrate it and be happy, something bad will happen."

He sigh, he understands what she's saying so he pulled her into a hug. She pressed her face on his chest. "Arasso, but I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Just make sure to go at GM so we can go home together after your shoot, we should still celebrate it at least here at home. okay?"

She nodded.

It's her birthday, their call time is 8 am, she received various greetings from her few friends, family and she received a flowers from him early in the morning before she left her home.

Her Manager told her that there are some coffee trucks outside for her birthday. She smiled, and take note to visit it later if she has a free time.

As usual, she takes many photos on the CT. Ordered some drinks to enjoy. His co- workers also greeted her and even sing a happy birthday before they pack up.

Meanwhile, He was at GM the entire day, he was surprised with the amount of gifts delivered at their building every minute. Their elevator was too full because of the presents from her supporters. He couldn't be more proud of her because a lot of people love her. He knows she will be happy bot because of the gifts but the thought that many people are still here supporting her.

He received a text from her saying they are on the way. The staffs also prepared some design for her and fix the gifts so she could take a photo of it all later.

"Woah! That's a lot." she said when she entered the room. "I told you, many people love you. Happy birthday, my love." he said while planting a kiss on her forehead. She smiled at him "Thank you." she said while hugging him.

He noticed that she was wearing thin shirt so he lend her hia gray jacket. "Go, take a picture of them all. I'll wait outside."

She takes a photo of each gifts, she couldn't be happier than knowing the amount of people love her. She really appreciate it all. She even suggested for her to take a photo with all of the gifts.

"You can upload it. It's the least I can do for them." she said

"Are you done" he asked, she nodded and smile at him. "I'm so happy."

"You deserve to be happy. Let's go home."

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