PART 4: goodbye for real?

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

She has literally no idea what happened to them.. The two years of being together had been a roller coaster ride- ups and downs. She is aware that every relationship go through that journey, but for them--  their relationship got stuck on the down side that roller coaster.

It all started when their schedule hinders them from spending time together and since they've been keeping their relationship privately, their date nights usually happen in each other's house. One time, Soo Hyun suggested that they should try eating out but Yea Ji refused because people might see them.

Soo Hyun respected that Yea Ji doesn't want to confirm their relationship publicly as it will create chaos and they will probably get so much hate.

"Yea Ji-ah let's go, let's buy coffee." her sister said to her. She knows coffee is her stress reliever. Ever since Yea Ji got home two months ago which was a surprised to them because she tend to stay alone in her unit, she didn't see her eat a proper meal. Yea Ji sigh, it's been two months since Soo Hyun and her broke up. Surprisingly, she can still function properly. She never tell anyone about it but her eyes tells that something was wrong. They didn't talk ever since they broke up. It's not like one of them tried. They chose not to.

"I'm not in the mood for coffee." she answered plainly and just focus on her phone. Scrolling. Yea Ji knew that her sister noticed her sudden change. On the other hand, Her sister also knew that Yea Ji is a private person so even if she's her sister, she can't force her to say what's wrong. The only thing she can do right now is to make her feel that she's always there for her.

Meanwhile, Soo Hyun is scrolling through his instagram account.. He saw Yea Ji's photo on the IG account of Goldmedalist.  He sigh as he noticed how thin she looked. He exit the app and just throw his phone on his bed. He mouthed "I'm sorry." As if she's going to hear it.

Yea Ji has a meeting today with the Goldmedalist regarding her contract that was about to finish.  Inside her car while looking outside the window....
"Should I leave the company?"
"Should I re-sign my contract?"
"Should I stay?"
"Why would I stay?"
"There's no reason for me to stay there."
She is so lost. She can't decide. She don't know what to do in her life right now.  The only thing she knows right now is that she's hurting.

She sigh as the car stopped on the parking lot. She opened the door of the car and walked towards the door... She was about to open the door when she saw Soo Hyun's car through the door's reflection. She noticed how tired his eyes were. She took a deep breath and pushed the door then walked without looking back. Hoping that they wouldn't bumped each other.

During the meeting, Yea Ji felt dizzy and her stomach was aching. She only drunk water for the last two days. The staffs of Goldmedalist noticed that she's not well and decided to postpone the meeting. They suggested her to go to the hospital but she insisted to just go home. She was about to stand up when her vision got blurred and then .......... she lost consciousness.

On the other room, Soo Hyun was there to check the scripts of the drama that was offered to him. They heard a commotion outside, he didn't react. One of the staff inside the room checked what was happening.

"Omo, Yea Ji ssi fainted on the other room."  Soo hyun panicked and he instantly went outside. But he was late, the ambulance left already. His breathing heavily and hoping that she's safe.

After the meeting, he was torn if he's going to the hospital or not. He was driving but literally just going around the village near the hospital. He punched the steering wheel because of the frustration he's going through. He then just texted Yea Ji's assistant to ask if she's okay. When her assistant replied that she was okay. He was relieved and then drove home.

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