Almost: together

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

Soo Hyun forced himself to wake up as his phone rings numerous times. He grunts and sit down on his bed. He didn't got enough sleep last night. He get his phone and saw 14 missed calls from his manager, 27 missed calls and 16 unread text messages from Yea Ji.

He sighed, it's been a week since Yea Ji and him saw each other. It's not because they were too busy but because he ignored all her texts and calls after he left her sleeping.

It's been 6 months since Yea Ji came into his life. At first she's just a rookie actress who filmed a CF with him. After a few weeks, he called a wrong number and it turned out it was Yea Ji's.

"Hello." A low deep voice answered the phone. A voice he will never forget.. He was surprised, he was about to call a restaurant but why is she the one answering it?

"Is this destiny?" he thought

"Uhm yes. Hi."


He looked at the flyer stuck on his refrigerator and he looked at the number on his phone. "Shit." he said to himself. Looks like he pressed one wrong number.

He cleared his throat, "Yea Ji ssi?"

"Who's this?"

"Oh it's me, Soo Hyun."

"Oh? Really?"

"Ah. Yes." he said awkwardly

"How did you find my number?"

He explained what happened, on the other line Yea Ji was laughing at his reasons. He's like a kid telling numerous reasons to forgive him.

"Seriously? I can't believe but it's fine, sunbaenim."

"Okay. Sorry again. Thank you for your time. Bye."

After that, they became phone pals. Soo Hyun would always call her if he's bored. They would talk for hours. Yea Ji told him that she used to live and studied in Spain. He told her about his personal life.

They didn't realized they were getting close until Soo Hyun would call her whenever he's on break during shoot or when he's at home he would call her while she's at work.

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"Why did you call?"

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