part 2: rain

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8:30 am, Soo Hyun moved to hug Yea Ji but he felt like Yea Ji was not in the bed anymore. He stretched his arms and a smile formed in his lips as he remembered what happened last night. He sit up and checked his phone. He saw his manager's text saying that his shoot got cancelled today because it was raining so hard. He didn't noticed it so he looked out the window and the rain was pouring heavily.

It was cold, he got his boxers and pants that was on the floor and wear it. He couldn't find his t-shirt so he went out of her bedroom without a shirt.

"Yea Ji ah have you seen my---" he was about to ask her where was his shirt but he saw her on the kitchen wearing it.

"Yah, put on some pants." he said

"Oh, you're already awake. Why? What's wrong?' she asked while walking towards him.

"Aren't you cold? I thought you get easily cold?" he asked and hugged her.

"It's okay. The heater is open. Ah yes, this is your shirt. Are you cold?" she said softly and then he nodded.

Yea Ji gave him a black hoodie.

"Wait, is this mine?" Soo hyun asked her

Yea Ji just chuckled, he gave it to her when they were still shooting because she didn't bring any jacket.

"You let me used it remember? I forgot to give it back to you."

"Let's eat!"

They settled in her balcony, cuddling while drinking hot coffee and watching the rain outside. Soo Hyun hugging Yea Ji while Yea Ji's head in the crook of his neck. Their bodies were wrapped in a blanket.

Yea Ji let a sigh, she looked up to him "I'm glad both of our schedule got cancelled today."

Soo Hyun looked at her and smiled, "Me too." and kissed her forehead.

"Do you want to go out?" He asked while rubbing her arms.

"No. I just want to stay here." Yea Ji stated as she tighten her hug. He just chuckled. "Besides, the road is slippery." she added. He nodded and got his phone.

"Let's take a picture."

After taking a several sweet shots, Soo Hyun sigh "I hope I can share this to the world." he speaks. Yea Ji looked at him "But of course, when we are both ready, we can finally let the world know." he added. She smiled.

They spent the day, cuddling in the sofa, watching some netflix shows and playing with her dogs.

The rain finally stopped for a while. It was already 7 pm, they decided to take a walk in a park before he leaves.

They were holding hands while walking, they both took a picture of the sky. They tried to find a restaurant where few people eat but they couldn't find one.

"Let's just go to a coffee shop." Yea Ji suggested.

Soo Hyun looked at her "Coffee again?"

Yea Ji just smile shyly and nodded.

They arrived at a coffee shop the first floor was full but at the second floor, there were few people. They settled in the corner. Soo Hyun ordered their food.

"Yah I told you I want iced americano. Why is this a fruit shake?" Yea Ji nagged at him while arms crossed.

Soo Hyun holds her hand "Yea Ji ah, I told you too much coffee is bad for your health. If I ordered you coffee that was your fourth if ever. Look at you, you couldn't sleep at all. I'm just worried okay? You can drink tomorrow."

Yea Ji just rolled her eyes "Fine, fine."

After eating, it was already 8:30 pm, Yea Ji walked him to the parking lot.

Soo hyun hugged her "See you uhmm next week?" Yea Ji laughed, "See you when I see you." she joke. "Call me when you're home. Drive safely." she stated as she gave him a peck. "Yes, ma'am!" Soo Hyun answered. "Lock your door. Okay? and please, don't drink coffee. If you can't sleep, call me." He said and she nodded. Before going to in the car, "Saranghae" Soo Hyun said softly. She nodded and whispered "Me too." Then she watched him until he drove away.

When she got back in her room, she lay down on her bed, she scanned the pictures they took and smile. "Someday. We will tell the world."

Then she received a text "It's raining again luckily I just got home before it pours heavily again. I miss you already. Sleep well, my Yea Ji."

thank you for reading!

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