our story: part 14

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

"Cut! Woah, the two of you good job!"

After that Yea Ji can't help but to think what if there comes a time where they need to separate. For the sake of everyone.

She is now on her van going to a studio to shoot another promotional video for the swoon- the couch talk. She's been lost the entire car ride remembering the lines they both said a while ago.

"Yea Ji ssi!" her staff said "Your phone is ringing."


"Finally! Are you sleeping?" Soo Hyun said and she saw 7 missed calls from him. "Oh, I'm not sleeping. Sorry."

"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, they didn't had a chance to talk after they shot the scene.

"Yes, I'm fine. You?" He sigh, he knows she's not okay. He's been very worried about her every time she will do an emotional scene. But of course he somehow feels relieved because he can take care of her.

"I'm better. See you soon, baby. I love you. Okay?"

"Yes. I know. Me too."

She is walking on the hallway planning to buy iced coffee as the shoot will start in an hour but she jolts when a hand pulled her in a dressing room.

"What the- oppa!" she said, Soo Hyun laughs at her and hugs her tightly "I miss you. I love you." he expressed as he rests his face on her neck. "What's gotten in to you oppa?" she chuckled as she pats the back of his head.

"I know you're affected on what we shot while ago. I just want you to know that I will never do that to you. Okay?"

"I know, oppa and me too I won't do it to us. Being a method actress is kinda hard."

He kissed her forehead and they both go outside to buy coffee. They are now on  coffee shop located below the building where they are shooting. There are few people inside and they know they would recognize them so they left immediately after getting their orders. As they went out Manager Ryu is there. "You two! Really?"

"Sorry, hyung. We thought there's no one inside. We didn't see people when we're outside."

"Aish! I don't really know what to do with you guys! Just go upstairs and get ready." Another stressful day for manager ryu as he asked everyone who took a photo of them to delete it.

"btw, where's Jung Se oppa?" she asked Soo Hyun  as they settled on the couch of his dressing room. "He has another schedule, he won't join us today." he answered as he sips his coffee. There's no third wheel for today but they somehow feel nervous because it's only the two of them.

"Hi swoonies!" they said in unison as they settled on the couch

"I'm Kim Soo Hyun" "And I'm Seo Yea Ji"

"Today, we're going to do the couch talk." Soo Hyun said

"Yes, In this bowl, there are random questions and we will pick one at a time and answer it." Yea Ji explained the mechanics

Yea Ji's the first one to pick "What's the most challenging and difficult role you've portrayed so far?"

"Uhm I think it's Sang Mi- it was my role in Save Me. It's really difficult and challenging, I had a hard time while filming it." she explained, Soo Hyun remembered how she experienced sleep paralysis during that time

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