Almost: Separation

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

It's been a week since their beach trip and it's also been a week since they saw each other.

She was mad at him when he chose to leave while she's sleeping.

He should atleast gave her a proper closure she thought.

Yea Ji was broken yet she was trying to reach him. To finally confront him about everything but it looks like he didn't really want to answer all of her calls or texts.

Meanhwile, Soo Hyun just stares on his phone. Battling with himself if he should answer it. At this point in his life he doesn't even know what to do.

He goes to his agency to apologize for not attending his schedule the past days. He promised that he won't miss another schedule. After a short meeting, Manager Ryu talked to him.


"Soo Hyun ah, you're both young. You're 26 and she's just 24.  Your career is on it's peak. We don't want a dating scandal to ruin it.Also, think of her, she's just starting her career. You know she has her own goals and dreams that she wants to achieve. It's not healthy if you continue doing this and that." pertaining to the moments they both run away and did not say anything.

Manager Ryu needed to think of numerous reasons to save him while talking to his agency who's been asking where he is. "I'm sorry, hyung. For causing trouble."

"I see that you're happy with her. I'm sorry if I had to be strict. I just want to protect you. But remember if it's meant to be, it will be." his manager explained and taps his shoulder.

He drives home after that, he was walking to the hallway when he saw a familiar figure waiting outside his door. He feels nervous and afraid at the same time.

"Why are you here?" he cleared gis throat and asked her, when she turned he saw dark circles under her eyes and her pale skin. He's stopping himself to hug her, he wanted to nag at her for not taking care of herself.

She smiled at him "Can we talk?" He nodded and  they both entered his house.

They settled on his couch, he gave her a coffee, when she get the mug he noticed the ring on her finger.   "What do you want to talk about?"

"Why did you leave without saying anything?" she asked, he feels a lump in his throat he lets out a deep sigh "Sorry. There's an emergency."

She nodded and speak again "Why are you ignoring my calls and texts?"



"Sorry, I got busy." he finally speaks, she's expecting him to end their relationship properly but then again she saw hesitation in his eyes.

"So, how are you?" he diverted the topic while forcing a smile to her.

She did not answer. The room was filled with silence.

"Are we okay?" she asked him

"Yea J----"

"I miss you." she expressed softly, eyes fixed on the coffee

He misses her too. He holds the tea mug tighter as he closed his eyes thinking what he's gonna say.

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