PART 2: missing you

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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

Yeji just got home from her shoot. It has been a tiring day for her. She had a several shoots for TV commercial. Plus, it's been a week since Soo hyun called her--- she misses him.

2 months have passed after he left as well as sealing their promise.

Because of the different time zone (Korea is 7 hours ahead) and busy schedule- they only got a few chance to talk to each other. Sometimes, she calls but he can't answer and vice versa.

Yeji tried to call him

"well it's already 10 pm here but it's only 3 pm there... he's still in the shoot.. i guess."

the number you've dialed is not available......

She tried again....


no answer

Yeji lets out a sigh and just text him then she ready herself to bed.


Soo hyun is not in the mood today. He is physically and emotionally drained. He's been shooting heavy scenes all day.

He took a deep breath... "let's just finish this so I can go to back to my hotel room and rest." he thought

He heard the director shouted "CUT!"

That was the last scene for today. The staffs and crew started to clean the props and packed up the lights.

"Finally!" he said

He's about to check his phone when his on screen partner and co stars invited him for a dinner. Soo hyun was about to say no when he realized his assistant and staffs didn't eat yet. So he said yes.

At the restaurant, they are eating and chatting with each other. His partner is sitting beside him and started to asks him about his favorites and hobbies. He just answered it casually.

At 10:00 pm, he arrived at his room. He knocked himself in the bed. He started to open his phone. Numerous notifications and messages are there. But, he noticed one message from YeJi.

"Call me if you're not busy. I have something to say "

He felt nervous. So he decided to call her..

After a long time of waiting... Yeji picked up


he realized it's only 5 am there in Korea

"hey! uhmm did I wake you? sorry. I just got here in my room."

Yeji got surprised because of the familiar voice then she looked at the caller's name.

"No! Uhm, well -Yes. But it's okay. I'm glad you called."

"You said you have something to say? what is it?" he asked

Yeji gulped and closed her eyes. "uhmmm, well. I'm kinda tired right now and.. "

"and? and what?"

"And I miss you." she confessed

Soo hyun smiled hesring those words from Yeji makes his tiredness go away.

"I miss you too." he answered "why are you tired? busy schedule?." he added

"yes but it's manageable." she replied

"how's your day and how are you?" she added

"well, not good but hearing your voice makes me okay." he laughed. Yeji joined him and asked him when did he get so cheesy and corny

They are talking for about an hour already

"It's getting late there! You should rest. I'm happy we got a chance to talk."

"Uhmm wait."

"what is it?"

"can we facetime?" he asked.


Yeji is confident about her being bare faced. So she tapped the video icon

She saw Soo hyun smiling and saying "I miss caressing that face. You look beautiful."

Yeji just laughed.

They are just staring at each other when Yeji noticed Soo Hyun yawning

she speaks "You should sleep. Look at you, you look so sleepy."

"Okay. I miss you so much. Take care always." soo hyun said

Yeji smiled at him and said "I miss you."  then ended the call

Soo hyun sleeps with  smile on his face and Yeji starts her day with a positive aura.

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