our story: part 9

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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

July 1 2019 (From Soompi)

Actor Kim Soo Hyun was discharged from the military on Monday, bracing himself for a return to show business. Meeting with media and fans in front of the Imjingak Peace Bell in Paju, north of Seoul, he thanked his fans for welcoming him.

 Meeting with media and fans in front of the Imjingak Peace Bell in Paju, north of Seoul, he thanked his fans for welcoming him

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After making a public appearance, he immediately went inside his car to go home. He is very happy that he can now spend time with his family especially Yea Ji.

"Where are we going, hyung?" he sked to his manager when he noticed that their way is not going to his house.

"To your mom's house. The two important women in your life are waiting for you."  he smile widely and looking forward to see those women.

When the car was already parked outside the house he enters and saw the two in the kitchen. The sight of the most important women in his life is just so heartwarming. He clears his throat and they both look at his direction. He saw how Yea Ji's eyes sparkle.

His mom gave gim a hug and a pat on his back "You did well,son." Then she left the two of them for a while. Yea Ji runs and jump on him.

"Oppa!" she whines as she buried her face on his neck. Soo Hyun carried her properly and sway his body. "How are you my love?"

"Oppa. I miss you!!"

"I'm already here. You won't miss me anymore." then she look to him and he pepper her face with kisses. She laughs and hug him tightly. "Let's eat!'

Yea Ji doesn't want Soo Hyun to drive her home because she wants him to spend more time with his mother first. He pouts as he walk her to her car.

"Aish. Spend some time with your mom first and then go to me. Okay?" she stated as she hold his face, he nodded and gave her a peck.

"Drive safe. Call me when your home. Okay?"

Yea Ji decided not to accept drama offers this year but she have a received a script from her former agency. "We know you'll give justice on this character. I hope you consider this drama, Yea Ji ssi. We hope the best for you." 

Meanhwile Soo Hyun have done a cameo in Hotel Del Luna and he already picked a comeback drama and now he's preparing for it. He is amazed by the twist and depth of the story. Aside from that, the character he will play is challenging.

His cousin's company has been established already and he is planning to sign a contract to it next year. He is also planning to ask Yea Ji is she wants to be in a same company with him as her contract already ended.

While waiting for Soo Hyun, Yea Ji decided to scan the script she have received. While reading the scripts, she is amazed, she hasn't played a role like this before and a part of her really wanted to do it but the layout of the script seems familiar- as if she have seen it before but she couldn't remember. She's trying to remember where did she saw it but the doorbell suddenly rings. She puts it back on the drawer beside her bed and go out.

"Yea Ji ah!! I miss you." Soo Hyun welcomed her with a hug

"Me too, oppa."

They settled on her couch, Soo Hyun's head is resting on her lap while she caress his hair. "So, do you want to be in a same agency with me?" he asked her

Yea Ji has been thinking about it the past weeks and she thought it will be easier and safer for them if they are in a same agency. "I've think about it and why not, oppa?" she answered

"Really?" he jolts, she chuckled and nodded. "Thank you. Don't worry they will respect our relationship and will protect us."

"So, you said you received a script right? Are you going to do it?" Soo Hyun asked as he take a bite of his burger.

"Uhm I must say, the script is good and I miss filming so I think I'll say yes. But I'm still thinking about it. How about you, oppa?" she said as she sips her iced coffee

"Me? I already said yes and they said they already found the other main casts so I'm just waiting if they will confirm. They said the leading lady is a great actress. I can't wait to know who is she."

"Wait. Wait, what's the title again?" she asked curiously

"Oh. The drama title speaks the whole story. The title is It's Okay to Not Be Okay." he said plainly and he noticed how her eyes got big and started coughing. He quickly stand up and get a water.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he rubs her back

"Ah yes. I'm okay." She lets out a nervous laugh she remembered seeing the layout when she visited him in Paju.

After that talk, Soo Hyun noticed how she became quiet. He wonders if he said something wrong. "Did she get jealous when I said I'm excited to know who will be my partner?" he thought "Yah, Yea Ji ah what's wrong? Why are you zoning out?"

"Nothing. Maybe I'm just tired."

"You don't even have a schedule yesterday why are you suddenly tired?" he asked as he squeeze her shoulders and she just lean on him and closed her eyes. Soo Hyun looked at her "What's bothering you? Really?"

"I'm sleepy." she hugged him and snuggle closer, he just sigh he knows she will say it when she's ready

Soo Hyun left sulking "Should I stay the night?"
"You don't have to oppa. I'm really fine." she said as she kiss him on the lips.

She slumps on her bed and get the script again. Minutes passed and she's just staring at it. Soo Hyun probably doesn't have any idea that she's "the great actress" he's pertaining to. She knows he will be happy if he'll find out but sadly she's not.

She's starting to doubt herself, Kim Soo Hyun is one of the famous actor not only in South Korea which means he has million supporters that's waiting for his drama comeback. She's afraid how people will react if she accepted the role- she's pretty sure a lot of people will bash her. Calling her names like an actress who hasn't win any awards which was okay to her because she just wanted to act and do her best in every drama she's doing.

Just thinking of hurtful comments makes her anxious. And this is just for a project what more if people know that she's dating Kim Soo Hyun- she's not ready for that.

"What should I do now? I really want to accept this but I'm scared." she whispered to herself

Soo Hyun has a meeting on his new agency,


Thank you for reading! Don't forget to vote on idol champ;;❤️😝

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