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Disclaimer: This story is purely based on author's imagination

Yea Ji and Soo Hyun are now in their agency to have a meeting regarding their appearance in AAA. On a meeting room, the executives discuss the protocols, do's and don'ts. Soo Hyun sighs as they said they should follow the social distancing. Yea Ji doesn't have any problem with it but her boyfriend kinda sulks as he wants them to walk together on stage and red carpet.

After a long discussion, Soo Hyun finally agreed as the staff said he and Yea Ji will be on a same stage to get an award. The designer walks into the meeting room to show some catalogue to them.

Soo Hyun picked a suit in just 10 minutes "Should I wear a necktie?" he asks her. "I think a bow tie will do,oppa." she suggested. He nodded "I'll pick this suit and a bow tie. Thank you!"

Yea Ji finds it hard to find a gown that she wants. Then she saw this backless red gown with a slit on the side - she turns to Soo Hyun who's using his phone to say that she wants to wear it - but she's just joking, she doesn't want another malfunction to happen because of a sexy gown. She just wants to see what will be his reaction.

"Oppa. Look. I think I'll choose this." she said while smiling at him, She saw his reaction- he's just staring at it with a poker face. After a few minutes, he looks at her and nodded he also and said

"It's beautiful. I haven't seen you in a red gown." He was about to tell the designer that she already picked. "Wait!" then Soo Hyun looks at her. "Why?"

"I was just joking. I am not planning to wear it, I just wanna see your reaction." she chuckled, he sighs and pull his chair closer to her "You know, you can wear anything you like. I don't mind as long as you feel comfortable. Besides, I'm with you so it's fine." he said while caressing her shoulders.

"My god, I really love this man." she thought

She smile at him and kiss his cheeks. Then she proceeds to check out some gowns. Their designer brought 5 different gown catalogues and she already checked the four of them. The last catalogue is more on wedding gowns.

She doesn't know why but there's something in a dress that caught her attention. It's just a simple white long sleeve dress. "I think I like this one." she said. "Finally." Soo Hyun said and look at it.

"Oh. It's a wedding dress." he stated as he checked the front page of the catalogue. "It's nice and simple, oppa. What do you think?"

"Yeah, it's nice. You should wear that."  he answered, he imagine himself wearing a black suit and Yea Ji with that dress. It looks like they are going to attend a wedding. He unconsciously smile.

"Thank you. Sorry if I took so long to decide." Yea Ji said as she bows. "No worries. See you in 3 days for the fitting."

D-Day || They have discussed that they will go separately, while Maeng is doing Yea Ji's make up Soo Hyun goes to a salon where he usually go. He settled on the chair while someone's fixing his hair. Then suddenly a man wearing suit sit beside him.

"Oh. Soo Hyun ssi. Hi." Joon Gi said and smile at him. He bows awkwardly "Yes. Hi. Nice to see you here." Joon Gi being friendly to everyone sense his awkwardness. When the people who fix their hair left to get something he whispered "So, how is Yea Ji?"

Soo Hyun got surprised and looks at him. Joon Gi just chuckles "When we were shooting Lawless Lawyer, she said she's seeing someone. I didn't know it was you until she said it to me on our wrap up party."

Soo Hyun didn't know Yea Ji would introduce him to someone in the industry. She's a very private person and she respects it. He's surprised that she really told him that they are dating. Even his close friends in the industry don't know.

"Really? I didn't know she said it to you."

"She always said she misses someone. Turned out you enlisted that time." Joon Gi said.

Soo Hyun feels happy and proud. He can't help not to smile. When his hair is done, he bids goodbye to Joon Gi.

"Oh, btw Soo Hyun ah. Can I walk with Yea Ji later? That has been my wish when we worked together on Lawless Lawyer. I'm just really happy that she's getting more recognition now."

Soo Hyun just nodded and smile, "You do that. I'm sure she misses you."

"Thank you. Don't forget to invite me to your wedding.... Someday." he jokes and Soo Hyun just laughs. "I'll go now. See you later." he said as he taps his shoulder.

They only see each other when they are about to go on stage. "Soo Hyun, go first and Yea Ji will follow." He walks toward the stage, he can't believe how far the microphone is but it's fine as long as they share the same stage.

He waited for her, as she walkes to her spot. She looks at him and he turns his body to meet her eyes. She's realt beautiful in white. They can't help not to smile to each other. Yea Ji's fighting herself to smile brightly.

After his acceptance speech, Manager Ryu signalling him to exit already. He's thinking to stay but he knows they will just scold them. He exits and stops for a while. He's sure that there's no camera there so it's safe to wait for Yea Ji. After talking, Yea Ji exits and saw Soo Hyun.

"Oppa." He smiles at her and hug her "Congratulations to us." he whispered.

After awhile, it's the best artist turn. Joon Gi is waiting for Yea Ji. When she walks towards her he offers his arms to her "Let's walk together." he stated. Yea Ji hesitantly said "Uhmm oppa, we have a protocol. They won't be happy if we walk close together." she explained- she doesn't have a problem with it but she doesn't want to be scolded  and ofcourse Soo Hyun won't be happy if he sees it. That's what she thought.

Joon Gi just laugh at her "Loosen up, if you're afraid someone will get mad or jealous. Don't worry, I talked to him."

Yea Ji got surprised "You..You did, oppa?" He nodded and said they met each other a whole ago in a salon. "Don't worry. If they have to scold someone that's me. I just want to walk with you, I envy Soo Hyun by the way." he chuckled

Yea Ji just shakes her head and put her hands on his arms. They walk together and she feels calm. She said I miss you to him because she really do. Soo Hyun laughs at them whe he heard their conversation at the backstage, he didn't have to explain why they walk hand in hand but still he's thankful that Joon Gi's there for Yea Ji.

He heard Yea Ji's acceptance speech

“I'd like to thank moon kang tae for letting me know what warmth is, what emotion is, and what love is. above all, I give this honor to Moon Kang-tae.”

His heart feels so full, she didn't have to offer her award to him because she really did great and she really deserve that award and she deserves more but he's happy that she shares her success with him.

After that, she walks inside his waiting room. She smile at him and he hugs her tightly. "I'm so proud of you. I love you." he said. He heard her sobs "Why? Why? Why are you crying?"

"I'm just happy, oppa." He smiles and wipe her tears. "Don't cry. You deserve it." then kiss her lips.

This time, it's Soo Hyun's turn for the Grand Prize. becoming his fifth daesang. He is very nervous as he walks on stage again.

"I was very curious on how the characters with painful wounds would change & I was very happy to see the result of that beautiful change

I'll continue to show great changes so everyone who watches my acting can be happy. Please watch over me.

I'd like to thank Gold Medalist. Also to PBIO dir Park Shinwoo, writer Joyong and all staffs thank you so much. Thank you to ....... (a long pause thinking how he should address her, but because of his nervousness he ended up saying) Seo Yeji, Oh Jungse & all the actors. My deepest gratitude to all the fans & PBIO viewers for your support."

"Congratulations, Actor Kim. You deserved it." Yea Ji said to him. They took a photo of them together- but it's for their eyes only.

As I said, next update will be about AAA. Hope you like it. I don't know why but I ended up writing again and again. I am working on the next oneshot. I'll update a teaser soon. Have a great day!

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