Almost: Always

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I don't know if this is an alternate, extended or continuation ending but if you're not satisfied on the previous part and want a happy ending, read this.

After that kiss and his 'I love you' she walked downstairs, "Yea Ji ssi, have you seen Soo---" "What happened to you?" Manager Ryu asked as he saw her clothes drenched "He's on the rooftop." she answered and made her way to the comfort room.

Manager Ryu saw Soo Hyun kneeling on the ground while crying. "Aish! These two really!"

"Yah! Stand up. You'll get sick. Come on."

After changing his clothes, he is now in his office drinking hot coffee. "Where's Yea Ji?" he asked "I'm not sure if she's still here."

"Now what?" his manager asked

"I don't know, hyung. I don't even know anymore."

"Soo Hyun ah look, all the things that have happened between the two of you. Think about it from the start. All your connections together. Do you really think it's just a coincidence?" Manager Ryu stated

"This time, choose your happiness." he added and tapped Soo Hyun's shoulder

He jolts in his seat immediately after hearing Manager Ryu. He runs to find Yea Ji on the building. "Have you seen Yea Ji?" he asked the people in the meeting room

"Yea Ji unnie left already. I wonder why her clothes are wet." Sae Ron said

When he arrived at her unit, looks like she's not yet home. He's about to call her when he saw her on his peripheral vision standing beside him, still wearing her wet clothes.

"Why are you here? I told you to stop already." she said weakly

"Yah! Why didn't you change your clothes?" he asked and removed his jacket to put on her shoulder

"I don't have spare. I told you clearly th--- YAH! SOO HYUN SSI!!" she shouted as he carry her inside her unit

"Change your clothes." he said, she's too weak for another argument so she changed her clothes

"I'm fine. You should leave."


"Why? I'm done talking."

"You were but I'm not yet done." he said sternly

"I don't want to hear it. Go home."

"Why are you so harsh to me, Yea Ji ah?! Just let me talk, please." he pleads while holding her hand. "Please, just hear me out." he whispered. She closed her eyes and removed her hands from his touch.

She walked to her kitchen, he was left dumbfounded. "I thought you're going to talk?" she stated. She got a two canned beer, she placed one on the table and opened the other one. He cleared his throat and walked to sit beside her.

He was holding the beer and took a deep breath.

"Yea Ji ah, I didn't know that you knew everything. I was really scared. I'm really really sorry if I didn't opened up to you, I'm sorry I didn't stop you. I know I disappoint you based on how I handled things back then." he started while fighting his tears

But please, give me a second chance. I'm not doing this just because I'm already successful. I'm still scared, but now I'm ready to feel that with you. I love you, Seo Yea Ji. I really do. I hope I'm still the man inside your heart." he said while sniffing

She looked at him "Don't cry." she said softly. He's waiting for another response from her but she didn't talk after that.

Maybe this is the end he thought. Maybe she has found someone who can fight for her until the end. "Can I ask you something?" she nodded

"Why do you still wearing the ring?"

"This? I don't know. I tried removing it but I couldn't. Maybe because I need to feel that there's someone who's with me through ups and downs. This is all I need, Atleast I won't be hurt with this."

"That ring is all you need? How about me?" he asked while sobbing

She didn't answer

"Do you want me to go? I won't bother you anymore." he said defeatedly "Can I just hug you for the last time?" he asked her

She pulled him and hug him tightly. "Be happy with your man. You deserve to be happy, Yea Ji ah." he whispered while kissing her hair

"What man?" she asked, she was confused

He didn't answer and pulled away "Goodbye." he finally said with a sad smile but that one word coming from him made her heart sting and broke into pieces.

"Soo Hyun ah." she was holding to the hem of his shirt

"It hurts." she said

"I'm sorry."

"It hurts, Soo Hyun ah." she said while breaking down, he was surprised and immediately hug her "Why?"

"It hurts seeing you go."

"Then let me stay, Okay? let me set things right. I promise I w----" she kissed him

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." he whispered, she is still sniffing.

"I love you, Yea Ji ah. I will do everything to protect you. Okay?" he said softly

She smiled and hug him

"Just to be clear,You're still and will always be the one, oppa. "

I don't know if this will satisfy you. But I hope y'all like this. Thank you for reading! ✨ I'm still thinking about an idea for the next story. Any suggestions?

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