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Disclaimer: this story is purely based on author's imagination

"Yea Ji ah, aren't you going to answer that?" Manager Ryu looked at the rear mirror while driving as he asked her.

Her phone started ringing when she got inside the car but it looks like she doesn't really care about the noise.

"If you're not going to answer it, just mute your phone." Manager Ryu suggested, this is the first time he saw the couple not talking to each other for almost a week

Yea Ji just sigh and just do as he said. She then looked outside again. It's already late, she's tired and not in a good mood.

She's on the way home from the award show.

She's still sulking that Soo Hyun didn't come with her. She expected him to go but he's too busy. Plus Oh Jung Se wasn't there, but she felt relieved when there's no live audiences inside and there's still social distancing so she didn't had to communicate and be awkward around other people when Soo Hyun was not with her.


2 weeks ago, after a month of not seeing each in person because of busy schedule Yea Ji and Soo Hyun finally had a time to meet. It's a meeting for the APAN Awards.

"Hey, beautiful." Soo Hyun said as he saw her sitting in the bench inside their agency. He runs toward her and hugged her tighter.

All of their tiredness seems to disappear when they are now in each others arms. "Yah, I miss you so much." she mumbled on his chest

Soo Hyun caress the back of her head "Sorry, there's too many tvc I had to shoot. So that I will only focus on the shoot of my drama next month. And of course to have more time with my love. Sorry, Yea Ji ah." he explained

They pulled away from their hug and Yea is still pouting but she noticed he's wearing a formal attire today. It's so unusual coz whenever they have a meeting he only wears casual clothes.

"Why are you wearing that?" she asked curiously

Soo Hyun looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Yea Ji ah." Soo Hyun said as the executives told them that Yea Ji will be the only one to attend the award show. He knows she's looking forward to that day with him. But because of his busy schedule and other circumstances, he won't be able to go with her.

"So that's why you're wearing formal attire." she said plainly.

She waited for him inside his car as he takes a VCR video- his thank you speech for the popularity award.

When he came back, he settle on the driver sit. "Where do you wanna go?" he asked her

"As if we can go to different places. I just wanna go home." she said

When they arrived at their place he hugged her from behind as she prepares coffee for them. "Are you mad?" he asked and she shakes her head. But he knows she's not happy about it.

He turned her around to meet her eyes.He cupped her face and placed a kiss on her forehead, her nose and lips.

"I love you, okay? I promise I will make more time for us." He said

They are now cuddling on her couch, it's already afternoon and Yea Ji is sleeping in his arms.

But then Manager Ryu called him to say that he needs to go back to the agency to sign some important documents regarding his endorsements.

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