I see the future: Part 3

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Some time in the middle of the night he decided to go back to the other side of the bed. He removed the pillow and lay down hugging Ji Hoon who's now snuggling into Yea Ji's neck.

In just a few moments, Ji Hoon stirs on his sleep. He quickly get up to see him hugging Yea Ji closely while saying 'omma' in his sleep. Yea Ji opened her eyes slightly and reciprocates the child's hug.

While Soo Hyun checks on his phone, it's just 4 am in the morning. When Ji Hoon started to cry while finding his mother in his sleep. "Ji Hoon ah let's sleep some more." Yea Ji whispered while cuddling him.

Before he started to throw a tantrum, Soo Hyun carry him and go out of his room. They settled downstairs on the couch. "Aunt pretty needs to sleep some more." he said

"Why?" Ji Hoon asked while sniffing

"She's tired from working so we should let her rest some more. What do you want to do?"

"I want omma."

"You'll meet her later and your little sister."

"Later?" he asked, he nodded and told him to sleep more so he could grow up fast and marry aunt pretty.

Ji Hoon closed his eyes playfully "Uncle, I'm not sleepy anymore."

"Really? But it's still early. What do you want to do? Do you want milk?"

"Appa and I always do a morning walk." the child said

"We always go to the playground."  he said while pointing outside.

Yea Ji wakes up after hearing her alarm. She get up the bed and found it empty. She decided to go downstairs as she think the two are there.

She heard the door opened when she went down. "Where did you go?"

"Aunt pretty! Goodmorning." Ji Hoon said while running to her. She welcome the child's hug.

"We just stroll around the village and he played on the playground. Don't worry it's still early so majority of people are still at home." he explained

After some time chilling on the living room. He decided to cook for them and they eat together.

Now he's doing the dishes he saw them on the couch, Yea Ji reading a book for him while Ji Hoon's head is laying on her lap.

He felt a hand on his waist while putting the last plate on the rack. He removed the gloves and turn around. "Hi." he said while kissing her forehead, he saw Ji Hoom sleeping on the couch so he tighten his hug on her while snuggling his face on her neck.

"I miss you. Work day again for us tomorrow." he said "Sorry, I didn't tell you that I'll take care of him."

"It's okay and I'm not complaining tho."

They settle on the side of the couch, cuddling. "You know, I see the future last night."

She frowned "Future?"

"Yes. When I saw you cuddling Ji Hoon, I knew you'll be a great mom."

"Aish! Don't be cheesy." she said while playfully tapping his chest

"As if we'll last." she whispered and he heard her. He holds her chin "Hey, look at me. Do you really think we'll not last? Hmm?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just overthinking." she laughs nervously

"Yea Ji." he said sternly while she caress Ji Hoon's head.

"Seo Yea Ji. What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm just thinking of a possibility. You know how our world works." 

He sigh, he understands what she's implying but doesn't she realized how serious he is when it comes to their relationship?

He just hold her hands "I love you and I will stand by my promise to take care of you and our relationship."

"I'm sorry, Soo Hyun ah. I know I shouldn't think like that. It's just that-"

He pulled her into a hug "It's fine. I understand. But please know that I won't let other people decide what will happen in our relationship. I love you and I will marry you."

She smiled and look at him "I love you too."

They are about to kiss when Ji Hoon suddenly stand up from his nap. Yea Ji snuggles on his neck. "Pretty Auntie what are you doing?" he asked

She looks at him and carry him on his lap "Nothing. Did you sleep well?"

He nodded

The entire day was enjoyable even tho they just stayed at home. They spent the day watching a movie, cooking some cookies together and playing outside his back yard.

Soo Hyun captures many picture of them together.

"Let's fix your things, Ji Hoon ah. Your dad is on his way."

"I don't want to go home. I want to stay with you both."

"We can meet again soon."



When his dad decided to pick him up. They bid goodbye. Ji Hoon was about to cry but Yea Ji pacify him by saying that they'll meet again and he should be happy because he will meet his younger sister in no time.

"The house is quiet again." she said while chuckling

"So? Let's make a noisy little one." he suggested

"Yah!" she was about to slap his arms when he carry her to his room.


Thank you for reading! Hope this made you smile. Sorry for all the errors, I just finished this now literally because my class was moved a little later.  I'll be back on hiatus because our second semester already started yesterday. Keep safe everyone! Don't forget to be kind - always. ✨

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