Ch. 158

28 1 0

Lauren's POV

By the time we get there, everyone has already gone to bed. "You go up and get ready for bed and I'll take Lulu out," Louis offers.

"Ok," I nod. We share a sweet kiss before going out separate ways. I quietly go upstairs, but someone hears me because their door opens. I see it's Zayn.

"You ok," he whispers bringing me into a hug.

"Yeah," I nod hugging him back. "I just went to the penthouse. Lot happened to be there so we talked. Then Lou came and we all just talked a while."

"That sounds nice," he smiles.

"Yeah! I always enjoy spending time with his family," I smile back.

"So where is he," he asks next.

"Letting Lulu out before bed." He nods. "Is Hailey ok?"

"She realised she's the only one screwing it up and making it worse once you left. She came up here and cried in the bathroom so nobody would know, but I could tell even though she put makeup on to hide it."

"Can you try to let her know I'm sorry? I shouldn't have acted like that, but I'm just tired of being the center of all the attacks. Honestly, it's none of anyone's business why I forgive people who wrong me. I shouldn't have to answer it when anyone asks," I say.

"I know. And you've had a really rough day today. I'm surprised Louis isn't going ape shit right now," he chuckles.

"Mentally I'm killing every single one of them that cause her pain," Louis says on the landing below us making us jump and quietly scream. I hold onto Zayn as I hold my heart. "Sorry baby," he snickers coming up.

"It's pitch black and you seriously have the audacity to speak without us knowing you're there knowing what you do about me," I ask Louis.

"Sorry! I had to add into the conversation," he says kissing my cheek. I groan and place my forehead on Zayn's chest making them laugh softly.

Suddenly I hear someone having sex. I lift my head and look around trying to figure out which direction it's coming from. It's definitely on this floor! That only leaves Sarah and Liam since Hailey is by herself in their room and nobody is in ours. " harder daddykins!" I can't help it, I burst out laughing at the name which ignites the laughter in Louis and Zayn.

"Oh my gosh they heard us," Liam says mortified. Zayn and I hold each other up and Louis uses the railing to hold himself up. The door soon opens to Liam and he's mortified. "How much did you hear," he asks.

"' harder daddykins,'" I say in my best Sarah voice. He groans and covers his face embarrassed.

"So Liam has the 'daddy' kink in the band," Elly smirks from above making me scream again.

"I swear! If someone pops out from downstairs I'm going to die," I say holding onto Zayn again.

"What's all the screaming about," Harry's voice sounds from below is making me scream again.

"I hate all of you," I whine and go into our room before someone else decides to scare me. Lulu follows while the others are dying laughing at me being scared. I go into the closet and change into my pyjamas then crawl in bed and curl up. Lulu jumps up with the help of the chairs at the end of the bed, and she cuddles up against me. "Louis come on baby," I call after a couple minutes.

"Night guys! My princess is calling," he says then comes in and closes the door and locks it. He gets undressed then slips under the covers and moves closer to me. "Your dog is in my way," he says.

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