Ch. 141

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Lauren's POV

We get to his family's house and he pulls me into a kiss. "I love you baby," he grins.

"I love you more," I grin back and kiss him again. "I hope you have the best birthday with your family!"

"As long as you're next to me it's perfect!" I blush and hug him tightly. We get out and go inside. Everyone comes and attacks him in a hug making me laugh. They pull away and Lottie hugs me.

"How was 'cuddling,'" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"Good! I love when he holds me in his arms," I smile acting like she's not asking about sex.

"Oh c'mon! I know you had birthday sex," she whispers.

"I don't know what you're talking about Lottie," I smile. "I'm pregnant!" She groans and drags me to her room.

"Baby," Louis calls seeing me being dragged away.

"We will be back," Lottie shouts making me laugh. She hands me a pair of pyjamas.

"Why do I have pyjamas," I ask her.

"Christmas picture! Louis' are in his room."

"Awe! I miss when we were dating and we lived here for a while. It was nice to see everyone and most of the time everyone was happy," I smile. "I kind of miss that bed too." She laughs.

"Did you have sex in it," she smirks.

"What is it with you and sex today? And no we didn't. We haven't stayed here when we were married," I tell her.

"Oh yeah," she laughs again. I start to change and she gasps.

"What," I ask her confused.

"Oh my gosh he spanks you," she says fully amused.

"Fuck," I curse. "It started as a joke and then the other day Sarah forced me to buy shit since she saw him slap my ass when I went to change yesterday and she made me buy it. He isn't using it again since it did this," I explain.

"Oh my gosh! You like it don't you?"

"Shut up! We love each other's asses. He doesn't like actually spank me. Just barely, but since he got that in his gifts, I let him do it and I didn't tell him it was hurting me. He feels horrible about it and we are planning on giving the other one that is in his Christmas presents to Liam to deal with Sarah for forcing me to buy this." She laughs. "She and the guy wanted me to get fucking nipple clamps! Like are you fucking kidding me?"

"Did you," she gasps.

"Hell no!" She chuckles. "What about you and Tommy? Do you two use anything," I ask smirking.

"No. I don't want to get caught going in a sex shop."

"Don't worry, Lou and I will get you some stuff," I wink and her eyes widen. "How do you like bondage?"

"Oh my gosh you do that too," she gasps.

"NO! She made me get that too, but he doesn't know about that yet," I laugh. "Let me just say though, spreader bars can be kinda sexy," I wink and she laughs.

"Maybe that's fine, but I don't really know what else I'd do."

"That's how I felt. I trust Louis and he knows not to do anything I won't like or he loses all his privileges. Like I don't do role playing, not that he does, but I hate the skimpy outfits," I huff.

"Like he and Fiz made you wear," she laughs. I can't help but blush.

"Yeah. I wanted his attention the other day so he told me bullshit things to do and dressing up was one and I was so mad! I literally went off on him and left. That's when I took Fiz to the hospital." Both of our moods drop. "Have you heard from her," I ask softly.

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