Ch. 23

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Lauren's POV

I get pulled into a black van and they hit me over the head and knock me out.

I wake up in a cement room and I see a metal door and a window and some crates. Also a chair that I'm guessing I'll end up in some time or another. I am staying as still as possible so that I stay in the same shape I was while I was knocked out. I hear footsteps and I close my eyes. "Well I am getting lustful towards you so wake up soon so I can fuck you! And if you don't wake up within a week I'll fuck you anyway," a gruff American voice says. Once I know he is gone I peer out one of my eyes to see if I can make sure he's not in here. I close my eyes quickly seeing a shadow coming from behind me. He picks me up and throws me against a wall. I stay like how I landed and don't make a peep.

"Ugh can we just fuck her already," a British voice I know but can't exactly remember says. "It's not like Louis cares about her she's just a fuck buddy even though she won't fuck," I swear to God it's Ollie.

"Well we can change that," another British guy says and he seems older but not like eighty but like late forties. Oh wait that's Troy! BUT HE'S IN JAIL!?!?! Fuck!?!?! Where are the boys? I bet Louis wouldn't care if I got raped or kidnapped. He'd be happy I'm gone.

"Oh look she finally seems to wake up! And she's crying because her precious Louis doesn't give a damn about her!?" I look up at Ollie and get up. I march towards him and he smirks. I slap him harder than I did before and he is bleeding a lot. "Why do you always slap me so hard that I bleed? And Louis doesn't care about you ask him he's here."

"LOUIS?!?!?" I see him pop out from the door. I collapse and cry seeing he is here to torture and rape me too.

"You thought I loved you but I just wanted a fuck buddy and when you didn't give me what I wanted I went to someone else," he says. I cry even more.

"Can we fuck her already? I am large so rip her pants off and open her legs up," the American demands. I cross my legs tightly and they struggle but when Louis touches my face I can't help but give into him. Sadly I let my guard down. Shit they are really mean and rough. They get my pants off of me and they try to get my underwear but I cross my legs again. Louis sits on my lap and grabs the top of them and slowly pulls them down. I cry realising what he's doing. He wipes my tears away but continues. He finally gets them off and the two guys being Ollie and Troy open my legs up wide. I cry even more. Only Louis has seen me and now he is trying to rape me. I can never love or trust anyone again the guy who is very eager is already out and is about to go in me. I see Louis looking away. The guy gets to my opening and jams himself into me. I cry and scream Louis finally looks over at me and I see tears running down his face he pulls the guy back and shoves the boys off of me. He grabs my clothes and me and runs out. I'm still crying. He locks them in there and hands my clothes to me.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!? YOU HELPED THEM RAPE ME!?!?! I was saving myself for you Louis but I guess you really don't care. I wanted you to give me children and I wanted us to have a family, but you just want to be friends with someone who gets you into so much trouble," I say and cry more. I put my clothes on and I collapse. "I loved you Louis," I cry quietly.

"I was trying to get you out I promise!"

"Yeah that's why you helped them take my clothes off and then when I screamed you finally get them off of me!?!?! I knew when your mom said you were trouble to stay away from you but I followed my heart and not the woman who has known you since birth. I made the wrong decision obviously. Like Ollie said no one loves me nor will ever love me. So if you let me out I'll go and really kill myself this time so nobody has to deal with my hopeless romance. I'll be out of everyone's ways and everyone can be happy. I'm sorry I am not what you wanted and I'm sorry I was always on your hip because I was earning your trust back. I'm sorry I took so long to give you a damn answer. I'm sorry I made you lose your job. I'm sorry that I am alive. So show me out and I'll be gone," I cry and he is crying too.

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