Ch. 190

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Lauren's POV

   When I get in the kitchen, I get all of the stuff we need out of the bags. "Baby stop looking so sexy," Louis says gripping my hips from behind causing me to jump shocked he's behind me. He laughs and kisses my neck.

   "I'm not sexy Louis," I give him a dirty look.

   "How are you not sexy," he asks.

   "I'm pregnant," I sass.

   "You're still sexy angel," he chuckles at me being so against accepting I'm sexy. "While Bebe is changing, why don't I empty your boobs?"

   "Ok," I smile and he scoops me up bridal style making me giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. "Aren't you so cute!"

   "Hush baby," he laughs and kisses me as he walks. We go into his office and he sits me on his desk after he locks the door. I slip my shirt off making him hum seeing my boobs.

"Wanker," I snicker.

"Baby, don't make me fuck you so hard Bebe questions what we are doing," he eyes me making me moan wanting his dick again. He laughs amused. "I'm sorry honey. I can't fuck you again today."

"Boo," I pout at him and take my bra off.

"Yummy," he grins looking at my boobs. I laugh and play with his hair as he attaches his lips to my nipple. I sigh in relief feeling less pressure in my boobs. I kiss the top of head and smile because I love him so much.

Once he's done with both boobs, he presses his lips to mine making me moan again. Due to the milk, his lips are even sweeter.

"I love you darling! I know that's what you were thinking about," he smiles at me with love in his eyes.

"I love you too! I'm so lucky to have you," I express grinning before I hug him tightly. He coos.

"I promise I'm more lucky to have you!" He kisses my shoulder then pulls away and kisses my boobs before kissing me again. "I bet Bebe is waiting."

"Then hurry up and dress me servant," I sass jokingly making him laugh and grab my bra. He helps me put it on then slips my shirt over my head. He gives me a hug out of nowhere making me melt.

"I can't tell you how much you mean to me angel," he expresses.

"You know I feel the exact same way about you. I love you doesn't even cover a small part of how I feel about you," I tell him.

"Me too," he smiles and kisses me sweetly. We pull away and he helps me down. We hold hands as we walk back to the kitchen where Bebe is on her phone.

"Sorry we took so long," I apologise.

"It's ok! What were you doing?"

"Emptying my breast milk," I explain making her hum understanding. I notice her hair is up which is a good idea. "Baby do you know if we have any ponytail holders down here," I ask him.

"Yeah. Left drawer of my desk," he says. I give him an odd look making him laugh. "It's in case you need one babe." I melt now.

"You're the best!" He laughs and pecks my lips as I walk by him to go to his office again. I open the drawer and see a small glass bowl of them. I grin and take one and put my hair up. I go back to the kitchen and hug Louis. "Why did you have to be so perfect," I ask him.

"I'm not," he laughs.

"Take the complement sunshine," I laugh too and peck his lips then wash my hands so we can get started. "Ok! Bebe what do you want to do?"

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