Ch. 40

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Lauren's POV

Louis shifts uncomfortably and I laugh and get up straddling him. "Better?" He nods. After a while Lottie and Tommy show up and I almost squeal until Louis covers my mouth. I pull my phone out and start a video. I quietly move closer on my hands and knees and watch. Louis comes behind me and acts like a bloody tent to my body. I stifle a laugh and watch.

Lottie's POV

We just finished dinner and Tommy is acting strange. I don't want to get my hopes up like Lauren said but I can't help it. We pull up to the forest where Louis proposed to Lauren and suddenly I remember what Lauren said about taking me to the forest to kill me. Shit now I'm worried. Tommy gets out and opens my door helping me out. I smile and he wraps his arm around my back. "How was dinner babe," Tommy asks.

"It was amazing! Thank you for taking me there and taking me out! I love you," I smile at him kissing his cheek.

"No problem babe! I love you too," he smiles back kissing my cheek. I giggle and blush. We walk down a long trail dimly lit by fairy lights. When we reach the end we are at a huge field and there is a small pavilion with candles and rose petals inside. I gasp and look at Tommy surprised. He walks me inside and sits me down. "Alright I'm nervous as fuck, but I want you to listen. I love you with all of my heart and have for the past nine years. I can't imagine my life without having you by my side through it all. We have gone through both ups and downs and yet our unconditional love for one another has kept us together without breaking us apart. You make me so happy and you make me feel like I actually mean something to people instead of being a loser with no life. You lighten up my dark days with your gorgeous smile and personality and make me forget all of my problems. I want you to be the one to have my children and I want to grow old with you and only you. What I'm getting at is will you do me the honour of being my wife and marry me?" He is down on one knee with a ring held out to me. Before I realise it I am sobbing. I realise I haven't said anything and he is getting extremely nervous. "Lottie?"

"Of course I will marry you Tommy! I love you so much," I smile and kiss him passionately. I hear a squeal from the woods and Tommy and I pull away.

Lauren's POV

   I can't help but squeal. "Shut up," Louis scolds pulling me onto his lap. I feel another one coming and have to hide my face in Louis' shoulder. He quietly laughs and kisses me gently. I melt at his kiss and softly moan. He pulls away quietly dying laughing. "Shut up babe." I breathe in and out deeply and then I hear a loud laugh from beside me and I notice Lottie and Tommy. I squeal again and Louis bursts out laughing with them. I jump up hugging the both of them and smile widely.

"I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU TWO," I scream and jump. Louis pulls me back and laughs.

"Thanks Lauren! I can't believe you knew," Lottie says.

"I only knew before I got you ready. Otherwise I had absolutely no idea," I reply. Louis lets go of me and hugs Lottie.

"Congrats sis! I approve and you better not be naughty around us," Louis says. I laugh and slap his ass.

"Leave them alone! They are naughty anyway," I laugh. Lottie blushes and hides behind Tommy. Louis walks up to me and hugs me sliding his hands down my pants. My eyes widen and he laughs he squeezes my ass and I jump a little. "Stop!" He smiles and pulls his hands away. "I am sorry your brother is an ass and can't keep his hands away from mine," I apologise to Lottie. She laughs and Louis pouts.

"It's ok, I've seen worse. Harry was having sex and I walked in," she says disgusted.

"I did that earlier and told him to pull out," I laugh. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops.

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