Ch. 155

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Lauren's POV

   "Angel? Do you want to get in the jacuzzi?"

   "But I'm pregnant," I remind him.

   "We can turn it down and not have you stay in too long. I made sure they cleaned the entire thing until it was like brand new," he admits.

   "Ok," I give in. We change into bathing suits then he grabs two glasses and the nonalcoholic wine along with chocolate strawberries before we run outside and get in the hot tub. He turns it down for me before I fully submerge my body, minus my head. He hands me a glass of the wine and feeds me a chocolate strawberry as I swim up to him. I hum happily as I eat it and look into his stunning eyes.

   "You're precious," he grins and pecks my lips. I swallow my food and smile.

   "So are you," I giggle. I wrap my arms around his neck and he picks me up making me giggle again as I wrap my legs around his hips. He moves us to the middle of the jacuzzi and smiles up at me. "Hi baby!"

   "Hello angel," he chuckles. I lick my lips as I glance at his making him laugh. I want to kiss him, but I don't want to overcrowd him with all our kissing. "Honey, we've kissed for seven years. Kiss me whenever you want to," he says amused.

   "I don't want to overcrowd you with kisses though," I explain.

   "I can never get enough kisses from you," he smiles. I grin and smash my lips on his. We both moan and his tongue slips into my mouth. He takes my wine from me and sets it aside. We deepen the kiss and start making out which has both of us horny. My hand runs up and down his wet chest while his hands grip my ass. I release a moan on accident making him smile.

Our thoughts and actions are suddenly interrupted as we hear, "Hey Louis! Over here," causing our heads to snap towards the voice. We see at least five paps making me gasp and bury my face in Louis' neck.

"Enjoy your make out sesh with the wife," one asks. I blush and tighten my grip on Louis.

"Oi! You lot better get the fuck away from my family right now," he snaps.

"Were you about to have sex? It's not like the world hasn't seen it before," another shouts making me cry.

"That's it," Louis spits moving me to the side to get out to beat the shit out of that guy, but I grip his arm and look at him with my begging tear filled eyes. He looks at me for a moment before he settles down enough to not beat the shit out of them.

"Show us your tits babe! We all know you're proud of them after your boob job!"

Louis let's out a pissed breath then kisses my forehead to let me know he will be ok. He gets out and walks towards them causing them to back up nervously. "Nobody speaks about or to my family that way! Especially my bloody wife! What happens between us stays between us and not the fucking world and you cunts! If I see one bloody picture of any of this right here," he says motioning to us and the house, "I'll be suing and prosecuting each of you for trespassing on private property as seen posted along the property! And don't think I'm fucking kidding! Nobody messes with my wife! Now get the fuck out of here or you'll be going to jail!" They all scurry away and he huffs annoyed. I stay silent to let him calm down without me triggering him.

Ten Minutes Later

He hasn't said a word, he's just pacing annoyed. He's making me nervous since he's only in swim trunks and even though my face is in the steam from the hot tub, it's freezing. After a couple minutes of internal debating, I decide to risk it and wrap a warm towel around him. He looks at me with a dirty look at first before he relaxes and gives me a shy smile. "Thanks," he says softly.

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