Ch. 188

21 1 0

Lauren's POV

   As soon as Louis and Bebe finish on the field, Louis gets his shots in the stadium seats.

   Bebe comes up to all of us and looks at us confused. "Why is everyone so quiet?"

   "Zayn pissed her off," Danny says resulting in being smacked too. The team snickers as he whines holding his arm and giving me a look.

   "Should I go back down there," she asks cautiously eyeing me.

   "No. Zayn just really pissed me off," I say.

   "Babe I'm sorry! What do you want me to do to fix this," he asks me desperately.

   "Don't say one damn thing about my relationship with my husband ever again," I spit glaring at him.

   "I meant fixing this now," he mumbles looking down.

   "Don't piss me off again and we are fine," I say and get up. "Bebe want some lunch," I ask her.

   "Sure," she smiles. We head down the steps and I hear the team messing with Zayn.

   "Zayn come on," I call for him. He quickly follows so he doesn't get in trouble.

   "I'm going to go change," Bebe smiles at me.

   "Ok! I'll be here when you're done," I smile back. She nods and heads into her dressing room.

   Louis comes down when he's done with all his shots here and he pulls me into him grinning. I grin back and press my lips to his sweet ones.

   "I'm so proud of you," I grin brighter and hug him tightly. He coos at me.

   "Thank you baby! I'm so lucky to have you angel," he says with so much love behind his voice. I pepper kisses on his cheek as he lifts me from the ground. He laughs happily. "Baby you're adorable!"

   "NO I'M NOT," I whine. He and Zayn both laugh making me groan at them. "You two are annoying!"

   "What is wrong with you baby? It's a joke," Louis asks eyeing me as he sets me back on my feet.

   "Nothing," I sigh and start walking to get him a water. He stops me and cups my cheeks so I will look into his piercing eyes.

   "Tell me what's wrong," he asks softly. I sigh deeply.

   "I'm annoyed with Zayn for something he said and my hormones are fluctuating," I say looking back at him. 

   "What did he say?"

   "That's confidential because I'm trying to forget about it so I don't keep beating his ass up," I say giving him a look to say drop it.


   "Me and you," I huff rolling my eyes. Louis looks at Zayn with dark eyes clearly knowing he was being a dick about us.

   "Louis I'm sorry! Please don't hate me too," he begs Louis worried.

   "What the hell did you say?"

   "I was talking about how much you two fought when you started dating and we were talking about dates since Danny told us about what he's going to do for Isabella, but I also made her mad saying you didn't do a lot," he rushes worried more. Louis huffs annoyed too.

   "Fine. You say another thing about our relationship and you'll regret it," Louis growls. Zayn nods frantically.

   "And now I'm mad again," I sigh glaring at a brick in the wall. Louis smashes his lips on mine making me moan and melt into him. All of my anger washes away instantly.

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