Ch. 18

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Lauren's POV

   I wait for everyone to wake up because I'm bored and I'm staring at the ceiling. They all finally get up and Jay comes and sits beside me on the couch. She looks at me with the same exact look of concern Louis does. "Sweetheart did you sleep at all?" I shake my head.

   "Nope and I got Niall to bring me a box of tea and I drank the whole thing and still couldn't fall asleep," I explain. She hugs me and holds me in her arms. Soon I fall asleep.

Fourteen Hours Later

   I wake up and I see everyone looking at me with concern. "What?"

   "You have been asleep for fourteen hours," Lottie says.

   "Ugh! Why am I always out so long?"

   "Well you did have the entire box of tea," Jay says.

   "Hold shit!? How are you still alive," Fizzy asks.

   "I don't know but I didn't fall asleep until Jay held me in her arms. I think I fall asleep in her arms because they remind me of Louis' arms," I admit. They all look at me and I see sadness in their eyes like they probably see in mine.

   "When do you think you will forgive him," Daisy asks.

   "Please don't tell me you are giving up on him," Lottie says.

   "Oh she is definitely not! When I was bringing her home from the hospital yesterday she walked back in to tell Louis to rest and eat and drink water and that she loves him then came back to the car. I called Louis when she was about to get in the car and put it on speaker and he muted it on his end. I played like Louis is an asshole, which he is, and he doesn't deserve her. She literally yelled at me saying how much she loved him it was cute, but also funny. I told her Louis was listening and she freaked out after I hung up. It was adorable I don't think she will ever give up on him," Jay explains and I blush.

   "So when are you going to get back with him," Liam asks.

   "Maybe today unless you guys tell me he disobeyed what I said," I tell them.

   "Nope he has honestly obeyed. Even what you told him yesterday," Jay says. I smile.

   "Well I guess I better get ready so I can have my boyfriend back," I say. They all smile and cheer. I get ready and I ask Lottie to drive me to the hotel. I wave goodbye and walk to the lift. I get up to the room and knock. He opens the door and still looks dead, but when he sees me he smiles. "Hi Louis," I greet. He lets me in.

   "What are you doing here? Please tell me you aren't breaking up with me," he begs.

   "Nope I came to see if my boyfriend wanted me back as much as I want him back," I say. He literally jumps in the air and hugs me. "I love you Louis!"

   "I love you too baby!" He pulls back, "am I allowed to call you baby?" I nod making him squeak in happiness. "Can I kiss you?"

   "Yeah I missed your kisses and everything else about you!" He kisses me softly and hugs me tightly.

   "Mum said you haven't slept at all except when you were in a coma and this morning she woke up and you were awake and looked like you were dead and then held you and you finally fell asleep for fourteen hours," he says. I nod. "Baby you have to sleep," he says.

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