Ch. 160

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Lauren's POV

   Louis sits with me on the floor for a few minutes just holding me as the others retreat into the dining room to finish their pizzas. "Lou," I ask softly.

   "Yes baby," he asks looking at me as best as he can.

   "I'm sorry for making you upset. That's what I'm most ashamed about," I whimper.

   "Baby, you don't need to apologise! This was not your fault! I think if I read that myself I'd pass out too," he says before kissing my cheek. "I'm so sorry for overreacting baby. I just wish you were with one of us when you were reading those."

   "I was trying to hide it from the others like we discussed, but also from you since you wanted me to stop," I mumble.

   "No, I get why you did it beautiful. I'm sorry," he apologises again.

   "It's ok. It's no big deal," I shrug. He pulls me closer making me smile. I press a soft kiss to his neck and I can feel his happiness. "What would I do without you," I whisper feeling that pain come back.

   "I don't know darling. I don't know," he sighs.

   "What if they did kill you," I bury my face in his neck again bursting into sobs once again.

   "Hey! Hey! Hey! Baby don't cry," he coos. "What matters is that I'm here with you and Rosie! And all the lads and their families! What matters is that they didn't succeed and you have nothing to worry about gorgeous! I'm here."

   "B-But they could have-"

   "I know, but they didn't. And you survived after being an absolute idiot jumping in front of a bullet," he teases making me snort which only makes me more embarrassed.

   "Oh my gosh! That was embarrassing," I cringe into his neck.

   "I thought it was cute angel," he chuckles.

   "No," I whine.

   "Anything you do is cute," he says kissing my cheek.

   "That is so much of a reach Lou! That's a flat out lie baby," I snicker making him laugh.

   "Nah! You're precious!" I coo and pull my head back to look at him. He takes the opportunity and kisses me passionately. "I love you so much angel! So, so much," he smiles once we pull away.

   "I love you so much more Boobear," I smile back. I peck his lips then we pull away and he wipes my tears away. "I can't stand the thought of not having you," I whimper going downhill again.

   "Me neither for you princess. You're my everything," he cups my cheek making me give him a tiny smile. "Please don't cry again. I don't think I can be strong to handle seeing you cry again tonight." I sniffle and nod trying to dry up my tears. He smiles a bit and kisses me. "That's my girl!" I blush with a shy smile. I can feel how stuffy my nose is from sobbing.

   "Fuck I have to blow my nose," I complain making him laugh.

   "Let's get up babe," he smiles. I nod and he helps me up. I pull him up once I'm standing and he guides me into the bathroom on this floor. I quickly blow my nose awkwardly watching him as he watches me. The smallest smile sneaks onto his face before he laughs making me blush. "You're cute. Don't overthink it," he winks. I groan and turn away from him making him laugh. I finish blowing my nose then wash my hands. He slips his arms around my waist and he holds me against him.

   "What," I ask drying my hands while looking at his reflection in the mirror as he looks at me.

   "Nothing," he smiles, "you're just super gorgeous!" I blush and turn to bury my face in his chest embarrassed. "Why are you so shy tonight baby?"

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