Ch. 8

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Lauren's POV

   After hanging out at the park the boys went home and Louis and I walked around and talked more just enjoying each other's company. I honestly really like him, but I know he doesn't like me plus I just ended up making him and his girlfriend breakup. I wish he liked me though.

Louis's POV

While we are walking I think about how happy she makes me and even though she was treated like shit she is still a happy person. She is beautiful, her smile, her eyes that remind me of my own but prettier, her laugh. I want to tell her I like her, but I know she doesn't like me like that and I was one of the people who treated her like shit. Even though she says that she forgave me I just don't see how, at least I didn't hit her I would have killed myself if not already by mom. I grab her hand and smile down at her. I always get tingly when I hold her hand or touch her.

Lauren's POV

He takes my hand in his and smiles down at me. I feel tingles go up my arm and butterflies in my stomach. "Hey Lou?"

"Yeah love?"

"I'm sorry for breaking you and Danielle up," I apologise looking down. He tilts my head up to face him.

"No don't apologise I should be saying thank you," he says back as I am confused, "after talking to you I went and asked her why she was with me all the time and she replied with an I love you and she has NEVER said that before and when I say it to her she rolls her eyes and walks away then asks to go shopping. I told her what she does and then she said 'I know that if someone says they love you they buy you more expensive things so that's why I stayed with you.' And I blew up and said by the time I bring you home she better not have a single thing in the house or else I will destroy it. "

"Well I'm still sorry you seemed like you really liked her." He pulls me into a hug.

"Love as soon as she said that I knew I liked what I met her as not how she currently was and also I felt guilty because I followed her around like her little minion and treated you like shit." We go silent after that. We continue walking until he stops again. "Do you like anyone here?" I suddenly get nervous and then I get worried that he knows I like him.

"Um...yeah I do but I don't think he likes me," I reply nervously.

"Who is it?" I start shaking getting worried and he grabs my hand making me shake even more.


"It's ok love just tell me." I look down because I can't look into his eyes without shaking more.

"If I tell you don't freak out on me please," I say getting even more nervous and he nods.

"I-I like you," I look up and he looks shocked. I get scared he is going to reject me and I run, not knowing where I'm going but I can't deal with knowing I told him and he doesn't feel the same. I run as fast as possible and I feel moisture on my cheeks and then I trip on one of the sidewalk pieces that have come up and I just collapse in a ball.

I stay in the ball crying. A few people pass and they either ignore me or ask if I'm ok and I say I'm fine and they leave. Soon I hear footsteps and panting, but I don't look up. "Love?" "Lauren?" I look up and see Louis and then I go to run again, but he catches me before I can and I start crying again. He holds me to comfort me and strokes my hair, "I like you too." I look up at him and then look back down.


"Yes really, the reason I asked was because I like you and if you liked someone else then I might as well start trying to get over you instead of getting so deep that I couldn't get back out," he says. I look at him sad that he thought that.

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