Ch. 129

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Lauren's POV

   Louis and I reach our room and Hailey is standing outside. "Oh. You're not actually in there," she mumbles to herself.

   "What," Louis asks annoyed.

   "You're never going to forgive me will you," she asks genuinely hurt.

   "Before I let her respond, how do you fucking think what you did was ok? All she wants is literally everyone to be happy! Do you know how much that really hurts her? I don't think any of you realise she's sacrificing her happiness for all of us! Yes! She can be a bit controlling for events and shit, but that's her making sure everything is perfect! Did you see how fast she accepted that you didn't want her? She did it to make you happy! She was dying inside and you only cared about yourself! That's all I've got to say," Louis says pissed off. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his cheek to calm him down.

   "I'm so sorry," she whispers in tears.

   "Hailey, I thought we were closer than this," I admit shyly.

   "We are!"

   "Obviously not if you can't come to me about it and say something like, 'Please don't go all mother on my wedding! I don't want the stress.' I understand that! Instead you hardly let me even be a part of Zayn's day after our relationship went down the bloody drain! I'm sick of being treated like I don't have any feelings! Nothing hurts worse than losing my friends though, so maybe we can work on it, but right this second, I need a break."

   "I understand and I'm so so sorry!"

   "I'll think about it," I reply. "And just so you know, Rosemary won't be the only newborn there so don't gang up on my daughter!" She cringes at what she did earlier and nods.

   "I really am sorry for everything. I shouldn't have been at all like I was today and especially not attacking your family."

   "Thank you. Now go cuddle with Zayn since you guys are back being happy," I say.

   "Oh. Um, he's not actually happy anymore." I sigh.

   "Is he back from the spa?"

   "Yeah. Don't worry though. You've done more than enough for us," she says.

   "He's my friend too. I want both of you happy so let me try," I sigh. She agrees and we all go to their room. I knock on the door and Zayn smiles opening it.

   "Hi babe! Hi mate!"

   "Alright, let me get straight to the point because I'm stressed enough! She's working on fixing it, so get over yourself and love her. You're going to be her husband soon and you cannot be a petty bitch Z," I tell him. "Wow, I need to listen to myself here," I laugh and look at Louis who is snickering.

   "Both of us do," he chuckles.

   "Anyway, at the end of the day, you'll be together because you're perfect for each other! So please, do me a favour and be as loving and caring to each other while you can before all of you turn into Louis," I say. Louis laughs knowing the conversation.

   "What do you mean," Zayn asks.

   "All of you are getting moody and easy to trigger lately. Especially Niall and Liam!" He laughs understanding. "Oh! One last thing! No matter what, I know that Hailey will be by your side and support you through anything, so make sure you are the same for her!" He smiles at Hailey and she blushes and smiles back. "Go kiss her and cuddle with her!" He laughs and hugs me tightly then charges Hailey and smashes his lips on hers.

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