Ch. 174

37 1 0

Lauren's POV

   Doris comes in with her friends and one sees where I'm sitting and crosses her arms at me. "That's my seat," she says rudely.

   "Let me guess, Ava right," I ask.

   "Duh," she smirks flipping her hair back.

   "Sorry love, but when you're eight months pregnant, you'll get say on where your seat is," I sass not tolerating a bitch. She gasps and turns to Mrs. Brown who shrugs and tells Ava to find an empty seat.

   "Your brothers wife is an idiot," Ava tells Doris.

   "How good at math are you," I smirk to the rude child.

   "Better than you," she smirks.

   "I challenge you to a math competition," I smirk back making Mrs. Brown grin.

   "Ava, you don't want to do this. She is incredible at university level maths," Doris tries.

   "As if! She doesn't even know when she's being fooled by a year four English teacher," Ava scoffs.

   "Mrs. Brown, would you mind giving Ava and I a few problems to solve," I ask smirking.

   "I'd love to," she smirks back.

   "No calculators grandma," Ava says to me and makes her way to the board.

   "Honey, you're the one who will need one and some tissues for when you cry at the end," I sass making the class 'oh!'

   "I'll only be crying laughing at how stupid you are," she sasses back.

   "I'm sorry, but who is year four again? And who graduated high school and was accepted into multiple colleges? Right, you're the child and I'm the adult here. I guess that explains why you have an attitude problem," I shrug smirking.

   "Alright! Here are the problems! Show your work and whoever finishes first wins a piece of candy," Mrs. Brown says. She tells us to start and I quickly scribble down my 'work' and put the answers at the bottom of all ten before Ava can finish two problems.

   "Done!" Ava looks over and her jaw drops.

   "No way she could get all of those right! She's a stupid American! I've heard their school is not smart compared to us," Ava tries.

   "All of them are correct and her work is correct as well. So far you have only gotten half of number two correct," Mrs. Brown says. Clearly she's glad I challenged this little brat.

   "Love, I don't suggest trying to challenge someone sixteen years older than you while you're not even ten," I shrug.

   "You're fat," she spits.

   "AVA MARSHALL," Mrs. Brown gasps appalled.

   "I have a baby inside me that's a month from being born. Maybe you should pay more attention to your science classes love," I sass.

   "Ava, you are to go to the headmistress at once," Mrs. Brown demands furiously. Ava gapes at her terrified and shocked she's being punished. "NOW!" Ava runs out the door and down the hall.

   "I'm sorry," I apologise to Mrs. Brown. I know I went too far.

   "Don't you worry! That child deserved what she got," she winks and gives me a smile before calling the office. I give her a small one back and go to Doris who high-fives me subtly.

   "Louis would be so proud," Doris snickers.

   "Oh I know he would," I grin. "Now, let me help you with math." She grins and nods letting me show her what I did to Ernest.

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