Ch. 53

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Lauren's POV

   I arrive at the Tommo/Deakin house and grab my bag out of the boot. I walk inside and hear crying. I drop my bag and run into the living room where Jay is in Dan's arms crying. A couple tears trickle down his face. I quietly walk back to my bag and walk to Louis' old room. I start unpacking. A while later Jay comes in.

"Hey love, why didn't you say you were here," she asked with puffy eyes.

"You and Dan were talking and crying. I was about to comfort you two but Dan seemed to be all you needed," I explain.

"You can still come in. I don't mind! You are part of the family sweetheart," she smiles.

"It's alright. I'm also testing out my stealth skills," I joke. I sit on the bed and pat the spot beside me. She sits and smiles. I hug her tightly and smile back. "I've missed you Jay. We need to have a day with just the two of us then with all the girls!"

"I'd love that!" We pull away and she stands back up. "I'll let you get some rest. You have had a very eventful few days."

"Thank you for everything Jay," I smile. She immediately smiles back and leaves. I call Louis on FaceTime. His gorgeous face pops up.

"Hi baby! I miss you already," he says about to cry.

"I miss you too Lou. At least it's getting closer to when you can pick me up!" He slightly smiles. "Babe I want you to meet me at Nando's tomorrow. We can go to lunch everyday!" His face lights up.

"Really? You'd do that for me," he asks.

"Yes, I'll do anything for you! I love you baby!" He smiles.

"I love you too angel," he smiles. We end up talking until we both fall asleep.

Next Morning

   I wake up freezing cold. I check Louis' old clock and see that it's ten in the morning. I grab my phone and call Louis.

Louis-Hey baby! What's up?
Me-I just woke up and wanted to talk to you.
Louis-Awe angel, I miss you so much. I woke up and I was cold because you aren't beside me. I know it's my fault but I miss you.
Me-I know. I miss you too and to be honest I am freezing. I love you baby.
Louis-I love you too princess. Are we still going to lunch?
Me-Of course! Why would I change my mind?
Louis-I don't know. Maybe you changed your mind about us.
Me-Why would I change my mind about us? I love you more than anything!
Louis-Because I slapped you.

I hear him sniffling in the background.

Me-Baby don't cry! Go get ready and I will meet you at Nando's!
Louis-ok...just know I'm so sorry.
Me-I know you are. I've got to get ready. I love you baby boy.
Louis-I love you too baby girl!
End of conversation.

I get ready as fast as I can and leave a note for Jay on the door.

When I arrive at Nando's Lou is already at a table. I immediately run over to him and hug him tightly. "I love you so much," he cries. I smile and kiss him.

"I love you so much too," I reply into his lips. We pull away and he orders our food then sits beside me in the booth. I wrap my arms around his waist and peck his cheek. He is quick to wrap his arms around me too.

   "Can we hang out longer than lunch? If not I get it," he asks with a longing look in his eyes.

   "Of course we can baby. I'm not like that. I know it seems like it but I'm not. I'd love to hang out babe," I smile. He pecks my lips and I smile wider. Our food arrives shortly and we dig in. "Hey Lou?"

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