Ch. 24

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Louis' POV

I wake up and see Lauren is still sound asleep next to me. A nurse comes in and checks on me and then get me the papers to sign so I can leave. I sign them and quietly get up and call the boys to get the jet ready to go home. We get back to Greg and Denise's and they say their goodbyes to us and I record them saying goodbye to Lauren. Theo, Maura, and Paul make videos too. We all say bye and we leave I take Lauren in the car and the boys drive the van. We get to the airport and I carry her in and to our private section. The boys helped with our luggage. When the jet is ready I carefully run into the jet and set Lauren down on one of the couches. They put our stuff away and they all fall asleep in the single seats. I go to the couch and sleep next to Lauren. The pilot tells us we are here and we get out and get our stuff. I carry Lauren again and we make our way home. I bring her into our room and lay her on the bed and pull the covers over her. I go downstairs and I make us some breakfast.

Lauren's POV

I wake up in our bed. Wow how long did I sleep? I walk downstairs and see Louis putting breakfast on a plate. "Hi baby! How long did I sleep?"

"Since about two this morning until now. Are you hungry?" I shake my head and he looks concerned then thinks a minute. "When was the last time you have eaten? I know you didn't eat at Nando's with Niall."

"Not since before I was in the coma." He drops his fork and starts crying.

"Why would you do that? You are eating now! That's one reason that you are so fucking skinny! You are eating the entire plate of food plus more," Louis demands.

"L-Louis I can't eat. I haven't eaten in forever and I'll just throw it all up. Plus I'll be fat if I eat," I argue.

"YOU ARE EATING THE GOD DAMED FOOD! IF YOU THROW UP YOU WILL EAT MORE! AND NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU SAY IT YOU WILL NOT BE FAT!" I look down and of course Louis pulls my face back up to face his. "I'm sorry I yelled at you, but you need to eat now so that when you have children with me down the road you will be healthy and eating properly. And if you haven't eaten in over a year that is bad. They wouldn't let you be fed by a tube at the hospital when you were in the coma. You have to eat baby. I need you healthy," he begs and apologises to me. "I love you princess," he says and kisses me passionately. I kiss him back with as much or more passion. We end up making out for about ten minutes. When we pull away I rest my forehead on his.

"I love you too!" I peck his lips one more time and then pull away. He puts a plate of food infront of me and watches me carefully to make sure I eat it. I put a piece of egg in my mouth and I'm immediately hit with nausea. He hurries over to me and rubs my back to get my mind off of the food but it's not working. "Louis bucket now!" He runs and grabs a bucket and gives it to me. "I can't eat Louis, I just can't. That was a tiny piece of egg and I threw up."

"You are eating like I said now take it easy and I'll sing to you to get your mind off of it." I get another piece on my fork and he starts singing Right Now knowing it's my favourite song.

Lights go down and
the night is calling to me
I hear voices singing songs in the street
And I know that we won't be going home
for so long
for so long
But I know
that I won't be on my own
I love this feeling that right now
I wish you were here with me
Cause right now
Everything is new to me.
You know I can't fight the feeling
And every night I feel it
Right now
I wish you were here with me
Late night spaces with all our friends
you and me
Love these faces
just like how it used to be
And we won't be going home
for so long
for so long
But I know
I won't be on my own
on my own
I'm feeling like right now
I wish you were here with me
Cause right now
Everything is new to me
You know I can't fight the feeling
And every night I feel it
Right now
I wish you were here with me
And I could do this forever
Whoa whoa
And let's go crazy together
Whoa whoa
Lights go down and
I hear you calling to me
Right now
I wish you were here with me
Cause right now
Everything is new to me
You know I can't fight the feeling
And every night I feel it
Right now
I wish you were here with me

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