Ch. 186

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Lauren's POV

   I go back in the kitchen and help the girls finish the pastas ignoring Hailey for now and answering her questions generally.

Louis' POV

"You ok lad," I ask Zayn.

"She fucking told me to back off again," he scoffs pissed.

"Mate she heard you two and knew it had to do with her," I admit.

"So you told her," he asks sadly.

"I can't lie to her Zayn. You're her best friend."

"You know she's going to cut herself off," Niall says.

"I know, but I had to tell her. She'd find out at some point and I don't want her mad at me for knowing."

"I just got her back! I'm not losing her again," Zayn says.

"What's she going to do when Niall and I move to London and Kelsey and I live in L.A. for six months," Harry asks.

"What," we hear behind us making all of our hearts drop. "Great! So I'm being cut off from my best friend and two of my other best friends are moving to London and living in L.A. for half a year!"

"Babe it's just a-" Harry tries to explain it's only an idea, but she cuts him off.

"Do what you want," she shakes her head and runs upstairs in tears.

"Fuck," Harry curses and buries his head in his hands.

"I'll be back," I sigh and go upstairs. I knock on our door then open it and lock it behind me. "Baby."

"You knew," she sobs. I sigh and sit next to her. I caress her hair as she cries into her pillow.

"Harry is only thinking about it. It's not for sure that they will be moving to London babe. He didn't want to tell you in case it doesn't happen so that this wouldn't happen," I explain.

"What's the point in having godparents if they aren't even going to be around Louis? Even though Harry says it's a discussion to think about, it doesn't mean it won't happen. And he's not going to be in fucking England for six fucking months! At some point, Hailey is going to give Zayn another ultimatum and he's going to pick her and cut me off like she wants! That knocks both godparents out! Then we have Niall who won't be here and his fiancé hates me so he's out of the picture too! So all we have is Liam! He will want to keep Sarah happy and she's going to tell him to ignore me all the time to the point she cuts me out of his life too! That leaves your family and Leslie. If Leslie loses her baby, she's going to hate me if Rosemary is healthy. Then we have your family. Daisy of course hates me! Lottie goes back and forth depending on what she's been told! Phoebe does the same thing! Ernest gets mad that you are my husband and that I have the authority to get him in trouble! Your mum could potentially hate me again and drag Dan into it! That leaves Fiz and Doris who don't have anything against me unless Fiz thinks I shipped her off because I don't love her. Now we have Simon! He doesn't like the fact that I keep calling him out on the boys so at some point he's going to say fuck it and tell me I'm on my own again!" My heart breaks hearing what she's thinking about all of the people closest to us. "I'm losing everyone Louis," she sobs. I lay beside her and hold her in my arms.

"No you're not. I won't let that happen. Zayn needs to grow some balls and tell Hailey to fuck off and respect him! Harry will be back baby! He's not leaving forever and he might not live in London at all! I can't promise anything with Niall, but I do know he loves you just as much as the other boys and he'll do whatever he can to help you if you ask him. Liam may have to step back for a short time, but whatever you need he will always be right here when you need him. I can promise that! As for my family, I can't promise they won't act stupid, but mum and Daisy know I'm not taking anymore bullshit. If they make their decision to hurt you on purpose then that's it. I'm not giving in anymore. And baby, Simon didn't adopt you to tell you to fuck off for giving him constructive criticism. He loves you almost as much as he loves his son. And Leslie," I sigh, "she's going through a rough patch and I know you and I both pray that her baby comes out healthy like we pray Rosemary will be, but whatever happens we have to remember that she needs love and support. If that means she needs to spend time with Rosemary to cope if something happens, then that's fine. Just be sensitive with her because she's hurting." She nods and holds onto me tightly, but not too tightly because she's hyperaware of my rib due to her lungs.

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