Ch. 3

114 22 2

Lauren's POV

   I wake up to my alarm blaring Right Now by One Direction. I look up and see the sky is still dark and then remember I need to get ready. I got ready for the day and waited for the shop to open. As soon as the clock hit 5:00 a.m. I unlock the door and wait for customers to roll in and Thomas. At 5:08 a.m. Thomas walks in and sees I have everything set up and he starts working.

Around 6:30 p.m. I see the woman who had the huge hat and tinted sunglasses walk back in, she orders her drink and sits down at a table. As soon as she finishes her tea she walks out of the shop. At 9:00 p.m. I clean up and start to close up the cafe and lock the door.

3 weeks later

Everyday the woman comes in, but today she hasn't it's 8:55 p.m. so I am starting to clean up and get ready to lock the door. As soon as the clock turns to 8:59 p.m. I make my way to the door to lock it only to have the woman walk in. "Um, I'm sorry ma'am but we are closing," I say to her.

"I know sweetheart, but I've noticed you have been staying here every night and you open and close up shop everyday. May I ask why," she asks.

"Oh um," I look down and rub my neck nervously, "I uh don't have enough money to stay anywhere because three weeks ago I arrived in England and I kinda ran away but not really, long story, and I immediately came and got a job because I need money to get a place to stay and I asked Thomas if I could stay here until I get up on my feet and get a place and I said I would do everything for him from opening to closing including locking up and he reluctantly agreed so I have been trying to work as much as possible, but it's not good enough. I have a bad feeling that I will get fired or that I will do something wrong and I don't get to stay here anymore, and I won't have enough money to support myself, or that my mom will practically disown me when I go back home, if I ever do, because I changed my ticket from college to England and I also lied to her," I explain as I break down in tears.

"Oh sweety. Why don't you come home with me and my family, we have an extra room that you can stay in until you can get yourself fully supported and you can also quit this awful store that pays less than minimum wage," she offers.

"Oh no I couldn't, plus I don't even know who you are except that you are a very reliable customer," I reply. She laughs and takes off her hat and glasses and I gasp. Realizing I have been talking to my favorite person in the whole entire world. "Oh my gosh, Mrs. Deakin I love you so much! You honestly don't even know," I cry, "Oh God, I just told you my problems I am probably so pathetic to you now."

"No sweety, you aren't pathetic and I'm serious about the offer. I'm not letting you sleep in a booth and work all day and barely get paid so you can work for me instead and all you have to do is just clean a little, but mostly entertain the kids. I am taking you home with me tonight, now come on and pack up, lock the door and I'll meet you outside by my car," she says then walks off. I quickly do as she says and make my way out. "Oh and by the way call me Jay, I've never had anybody call me Mrs. Deakin thank you, and I don't recall you telling me your name, but if I remember correctly Thomas said Lauren," she asks.

"Yes ma'am I'm Lauren, and about me staying at your house. At least let me pay rent I could never do that to you or anyone for that matter so please let me pay. How much," I ask.

"No I couldn't let you pay, you already need money," she argues.

"But I insist, I have to pay something to you," I argue back.

"Fine, all you are allowed to pay is 1£ per month and that's it," she gives in.

"But that's no..." I start.

"That's final, I don't want you to pay anything in the first place," she interrupts.

"Fine, thank you again. I can't even get enough words out to tell you how much this means to me."

"Not a problem sweetheart. Also we are almost home and when we get there as you know Louis is my son and he isn't here all the time so he's not here right now," she says as we pull up to a beautiful house. I try to grab all of my luggage, but she grabs two of them even though I protest like Jimmy. We walk into the house only to be bombarded with weird looks and questions.

"Who is she?"

"Where did you go?"

"Why did you bring a girl home with you?"

"EVERYONE QUIET DOWN! This is Lauren and she will be staying in the extra room until she can get enough money to get herself a house and to survive. She has been here for three weeks and has been staying at my favourite tea shop on the booths, so please everyone be nice," Jay explains. "Also she isn't like Danielle so treat her right," she whispers to the family getting a smile from the older girls. "Ok so Lauren this is Dan, my husband, Lottie, Félicité, or Fizzy, Daisy, Phoebe, Doris, and Ernest. And I'll let Lottie take you around the house and to your room," Jay finishes.

I walk with Lottie to my room and place my bags near the bed. "So I know mom said you aren't like Danielle, but I'm just now meeting you so tell me about yourself," Lottie says.

"Oh um, I am from Alabama in the U.S. and I'm 18 and was supposed to go to college, but at the airport I changed my ticket to England instead because I didn't want to go to college and I ended up here living at the cafe I work at and the small amount of money I had from home, until your mom pretty much forced me to come here, which I am extremely grateful for," I explain. She nods and shows me around the rest of the house. Jay makes dinner and says it's late and we all need to go to bed especially me because I have to quit tomorrow.

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